21: "They Never Listened" (Wooyoung)

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"Undo these chains, my friend
I'll show you the rage I've hidden
Perish the sacrament
Swallow, but nothings forgiven."
"The Devil In I"- Slipknot

Wooyoung POV:

(T/W: mentions of rape again. I'm sorry)

"San. E-explain. Wha's going on? What did Hongjoong do? What does 'raped' even mean? SAN-"

"For once, FOR ONCE, Wooyoung, can you shut the fuck up?"

He runs through the halls at breakneck speed, and it takes all the strength in my broken leg to hobble along at at least a quarter of the speed. Teachers peek out the classroom doors in disapproval, curious to see who could be causing so much ruckus during study hours.

San doesn't care. It doesn't take a professional mind-reader to take note of the murderous rage on his face and know it's best to not cross his path at the moment. Whatever Hongjoong had done, whatever that horrible sounding word meant- it had had Yunho sobbing his lungs out to the point of asphyxiation and San in a full-on rage blackout.

Irene wasn't far behind, Seonghwa in tow. Lucky Ten had probably gotten sent home; whatever was about to go down, a person already sick to the stomach wouldn't want to witness.

In no time he's reached the bathrooms at the other end of the school.

And when he turns around, my breath catches in my throat.

I've heard the phrase "I see red."

But I've never seen it on a person, never known it was possible.

"Go back to class, all of you. The last thing he needs is a full bathroom of people asking him what's wrong."

No one budges.

"I said-"

"Not doing that, San." Irene stands, legs far apart and arms folded on top of each other- the unmistakable "there's no messing with me" stance. "If the motherfucker's still in there-"

He hisses in frustration. "Just don't go in." And disappears beyond the wooden bathroom door.

It's an eternity- the muffled cries, the yelling, sounds of something hard hitting the wall- and then there's silence.

A silence that doesn't seem to sit well with anyone, the Creature looming in all its dark monstrous glory overhead.

Irene picks at her nails. Seonghwa clenches his jaw, then unclenches.

Clenches again.


The door swings open and I catch a small glimpse of something- rather someone- curled up in a fetal ball at the edge of the room, next to the mirror, shoulders rising and falling in an unsteady rhythm. It takes me a good second or two to realize it's Yunho.

"Seonghwa, get in there and take him out. He refuses to speak, I think he just can't at the moment. Get him the permission slip to go home, or don't. Just make sure he gets home, and don't leave him alone for a minute. Little brick house with the crooked roof at the very end on the right of Hypnos Street. Oh, and don't touch him. Just don't. Unless absolutely necessary."

Seonghwa nods worriedly, tiptoeing inside the bathroom as if stepping on glass shards.

Just what had Hongjoong done?


"I know exactly where the fucker is. Just give me a minute or two."

Her telephone screen lights up with dozens of little squares- surveillance camera footage of the school's premises.

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