Birth of Heroes

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Yep, just a new chapter. Bye and enjoy.

Absolute fury is all she felt as she stared at the sandwing in front of her. "WHAT do you mean she wasn't able to get the egg!" screamed Kestrel. "What I am saying is, that Hvitur was caught by the skywings trying to get the egg while she was on the way out." Said the sandwing named Dune.

The egg they were trying to get was one of the five eggs of prophecy. "Don't worry we already had Webs go out and get us the replacement egg." Said Dune.

"WHAT do you mean, replacement, that is my egg that was left behind!" screamed Kestrel in Anger.

"We were able to get a hold of a rain wing egg that is supposed to hatch about the same time as all the other eggs," Answered Dunes, worrying for his life.

"What about my egg, that was MY egg that was left behind?" said Kestrel in anger.

"Me and you both know exactly what that entails!" Dune said frowning, "If Hvitur was caught by the skywings on this exact night, they will obviously know what that egg was for," Dune said pausing, thinking his next words carefully. "I am sad to say but more than likely your egg is dead along with Hvitur, I am sorry for your loss." He grimly said.

She was even more furious. First, she loses her own egg. Then, she finds out that the new egg they got was a filthy, lazy, rainwing. She stormed off into the back of the cave to go blow off some steam while muttering about how the dragonets better be able to make up for the skywing they lost.

There was a sudden knocking near the front of the cave. Dune calmly walked up to the front of the cave. "Let me in Dunes, there are skywing patrols everywhere right now!" the other side of the bolder quietly exclaimed.

"I'm getting it, I'm getting it," Dune muttered.

He pulled on the switch next to the bolder and the boulder moved over to the side with a grating sound. "Quickly, Quickly, I don't think I was followed but I want to make sure." Muttered the blue and green seawing said as he hurried inside the cave.

The moment that the seawing cleared the makeshift boulder door, Webs closed it. The boulder closed with a grating snap as it went back into place.

The seawing quickly looked around the cave while putting his egg next to the other 4 eggs. "Where is Asha and Hvitur?" Webs asked looking around for them.

"Both dead by now." Answered Dune grimly, thinking of the friends they have lost. The Talons of Peace wasn't very big. Almost everybody knew each other.

"Dead? But I passed by Asha on the way here and the information Hvitur had to get into the sky palace was almost flawless, it was from one of our best spies." Asked Webs in bewilderment. "Well let's just say we were unlucky with the mudwing and skywing egg, Hvitur was caught on the way out and Asha died from injuries she got from a crossfire from a sneak attack from an Icewing attack on the mudwings, luckily she made it back with the egg intact," Dune answered.

"Unlucky indeed, I'm just happy my hunch was right and I got that rainwing egg, it might save our heads from Morrowseer, once he catches word that our wings of sky has been killed." Said webs.

"You might be right, but there will be backlash from everybody once they hear that the replacement was a rainwing." answered Dune.

"Where is Kestrel?" asked Webs, knowing she was still alive.

"In the back of the cave grieving." Answered Dunes, motioning his head towards the back.

Webs looked down sadly "I forgot the skywing egg was supposed to be hers, we lost a lot today, didn't we?" asked Webs.

Dunes just nodded. "The full moons are almost upon us, the eggs should hatch almost any minute." Said Webs.

"I hope that the prophecy was true, and these dragons do stop this war, I want to see my mate again." Said Webs sadly.

"I'm going to doubt that, now that you are a traitor to the seawings, considering that you stole the queens egg." Said Dunes with a confused look.

"I am hoping that if I return her child as a hero, they might let me rejoin." Webs said hopefully. Dunes just gave him a look that said I doubt it.

Suddenly the earth started rumbling. The ground started to shake and crack violently. A giant crack formed on the mudwing egg. After getting over their shock at the sudden earthquake Dunes, Webs, and Kestrel coming in to see what all the commotion was, gathered around the egg to watch the egg hatch. Suddenly the earthquake began anew shaking the entire world.

The mudwing egg began to crack again as the earthquake was going on. The earthquake was so violent that the guardians fell over. And as fast as the earthquake started, it ended.

The guardians quickly got up to look at the states of the eggs and to their shock the mudwing was out of the egg shaking the egg slime of himself.

Shooken, all that Webs could say," The mudwing hatched." He said bewildered at the events that just happened. All the other guardians could do was just nod their heads. The mudwing slowly got up and took in his surroundings completely ignoring the guardians. He quickly found his target, The eggs.

Kestrel quickly took note of this as the mudwing got a glint in his eyes as he posed to pounce on the eggs. "Holy shit, Webs get him he's about to get the eggs!" she screamed right as the mudwing pounced. The moment Webs went to jump for him, hundreds of spikes formed around the mudwing and the eggs and a small part of the ceiling opened up to let moon light into the area where the eggs were at. All the spikes formed a protective area around the eggs where the guardians couldn't see or get to the eggs.

"Were fucked, aren't we?" muttered Webs, giving up hope that he was ever going to live through this war.

The moment that Morrowseer found out they let the mudwing eat the egg with the absurd powers it had, they would be screwed. As soon as he said that the spikes around the eggs quickly crumbled to dust to reveal five newborn hatchlings with the mudwing buried underneath them all sleeping happily in a pile.

The seawing could only stare and jokingly say "Never mind crisis everted" he said in shock. Everybody else just nodded in relief. But they all knew now, that the death of their friends might not be in vain at the sights they just saw.

Over at the skywing palace

Almost everybody was in a panic a good size chunk of the palace was melting away in a pool of lava around a certain area. A skywing guard frantically came up to the queen trying to explain the situation.

"My queen, we put the egg where you told us and we watched over it after we caught the Icewing, but the moment the egg started to hatch the whole area of the palace caught fire, what are we going to do about it?" asked the guard. "Don't worry about it too much, it's just my new toy... put out the fires and secure the dragonet that was born from the egg." Answered the queen.

"But my queen, surely the dragonet must be dead by now from all the fire." Said the guard confused.

"Don't worry about if the dragonet is alive, I know it will live through it. Just do as I asked." Answered the queen.

The guard just nodded and bowed. He left to go do as he was told and as he was leaving, he heard the queen mutter to herself about the new toy she would soon have. The guard shudder and feared for whatever got Queen Scarlet's attention like this.

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