I like Turltes

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It's currently one o'clock in the morning right now, and I am in the mood to write some fics baby! No song, just read!

Sunny was enjoying the Mud Kingdom so far. The locals were all pretty nice to her. Sure, there were a few sticks in the mud, especially the ones that were trying to eat. It didn't take her long to learn to stay away from MudWings that were trying to eat. They hated being interrupted from eating apparently, hmm.

She has been going around to different areas in the kingdom, talking to whatever group of dragons would listen, and trying and talk to them about the vote and why they should vote to leave the war.

Not surprisingly to her, there had only been a handful that was for the war. It broke her heart every time, to hear the reason why they wanted to fight. Many of them were Mud wings that lost all their sibs in the war.

Sunny knew that if she lost her friends that were like brothers and sisters to her, it would absolutely crush her.

"Those filthy IceWings need to pay for what they did!" Sunny's head jerked in the direction that the shouting was coming from. Running to it, hoping to stop any violence.

Sunny made it to where all the shouting was at. There were two MudWings, in each other's faces arguing, "I am sorry about what happened to them, but I am not going to let it happen to my sibs!"

Sunny stopped to listen for just a hair bit. "I don't care about your sibs, I am going to kill my brother and sister's murders!" The other MudWings said, lifting his claws into the air, getting ready to take a swipe at the other arguing MudWing.

Sunny had seen enough, running at them and grabbing the attacking MudWings arm, stopping him, "I would rather, you not do that."

"Who are you?" The MudWing said, offended, "Let go of ME!" the MudWing said, ripping his arm away from Sunny.

"My name is Sunny, and I would like it if you didn't attack anybody just because they didn't want to fight anymore," Sunny said like she was scolding a child.

"I don't care what you say, those IceWings are going to pay!" the MudWing said, now getting in Sunny's face.

Now Sunny was upset, "You are upset at the wrong dragons!"

"Like hell I am, I was there when each of my sibs died!" the MudWing said, getting more upset, "I know what dragons to be angry at!"

"You obviously don't!" Sunny yelled back, "You didn't know about the fact that Queen Moorhen was forced into this war!"

Now the MudWing was confused, "I know about that, but it doesn't matter, the IceWings were the ones to kill them."

"WRONG!" Sunny shouted, "The SandWing princess Burn, was the one to get your dragonets killed."

"And how so, I watched as an IceWing claw ripped through their necks, and ice breath shredded them to bits?"

"Burn killed them by making you fight, they would have never died if you were not in this war," Sunny said sincerely.

Now the Mudwing was upset again, "It still doesn't matter, I want my revenge!"

Now Sunny was pissed, it was like listening to a broken record. She shot her claws at the dragon's head and brought him down to eye level. "Now you listen here, you want vengeance... RIGHT?"

The MudWing shook his head rapidly, fearing the tiny SandWing with unusual strength for her size.

"Then get vengeance on the dragon that did this to you!" Sunny paused before continuing, "You can do that by voting to leave the war,"

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