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AAAAAAND im back, I have been busy with... stuff. Hey, new chapter is here! Me and Tbnrzip have been doing live streams together on Minecraft, go check em out on his YouTube channel, you will probably hear me talk about the series or watch me get beaten by my abusive friend with his magical fire stick.

Thorn loved her sleep, you wouldn't guess that because she is always awake doing something, but she does.

Like right now.

Thorn was in bed with Stonemover next to her, enjoying the peace and quiet. Right now, almost everything is right.

Stonemover was here next to her, Sunny was sleeping nearby in a different room, and Vulture finally decided to go fuck off.

Everything was almost perfect...



Groan, "What is it!" Thorn groaned from her sleep, somebody apparently wanted to end their free subscription on life by waking her at this hour.

"Thorn, we just got bad news!" the dragon said from the other side of the door, the voice revealing the dragon to be Six-Claws.

Thorn shot up out of bed, waking up Stonemover in the process, "What the..." the black dragon muttered in confusion.

If this was Six-Claws giving the news, it was probably important. She opened the locked door to her room, seeing the concerned male SandWing "What is it?"

"You may want to get your daughter and her friends together for this..." Six-Claws muttered.

Thron was now sitting on her desk, waiting for everybody to get here, Six-Claws had just told her the news and it was... concerning slightly. Not to her, but it would matter to her Sunny and her friends.

Sunny walked through the door with Qibli and Clay following her, "You wanted to see me, Mom?"

Thorn nodded, "Yes, where is the rest of your friends?" she asked while looking out the tent flap, not seeing them.

"They were still asleep, me, Clay, and Qibli were the only ones awake," Sunny answered her.

Thorn nodded, "It's fine, but this is important," Thorn started, "We just got the news that the town of Redstone had just been captured by Blister's forces a couple of days ago."

Sunny's eyes grew, waking up from her sleepiness, she looked at Clay, "She is close."

Clay nodded, "We have to go after her, I have a hunch that if she just took one of Burn's towns, Burn is too aggressive to not try and take it back from her..."

"We might be able to catch two of them in one day!" Sunny said excitedly.

Clay nodded, "I'll go get the others, we need to leave before Burn gets there."

Clay left the tent and all that was left was Qibli, Sunny, and Thorn.

"Qibli, go with him, I need to talk with Sunny for a bit," Thorn said to Qibli.

Qibli nodded and left the tent, following Clay back to the bunkhouse.

Thorn sighed, "Take Qibli with you when you go to leave."

This caught Sunny off guard, "Not that I am saying no, but why?"

"I love Qibli like a son, but even I can tell this place isn't good for him, he doesn't show it but he hates this place, I can tell that it's wearing on him," Thorn explained.

Sunny nodded, "What are you going to tell him when we go to leave?"

"That I want him to lead you through the SandKingdom, in truth, I want him to join you on your quest," Thorn started, "There is nobody here his age, all of them have left to go off and fight in the war."

Sunny nodded, "I am sure that the others won't mind him joining, I'll bring it up to them on our way to Redstone," Sunny said nodding.

Thorn nodded, "Thank you."

Sunny went to leave but was stopped by her mother's voice, "And Sunny!"

Sunny turned around to look at her, "Please be safe," Thorn pleaded.

Sunny smiled and nodded, "Ill try Mom."

She walked out the flap of the tent and saw the rest of the Dragonet's weighting there for her with determined looks.

She looked over at Qibli who was starting to walk back into Thorn's tent.

"Qibli, you're coming with us, Mom wanted you to take us to Redstone and help us," Sunny ordered.

Winter groaned in annoyance.

Qibli got a big smile on his face, "You hear that Icy, we get to hang out some more and have some fun!"

"You're not coming to hang out with me to have Fun!" Winter said annoyed at the pale-yellow-scaled dragon, "You are coming with us to help us stop a war!"

"Anything can be fun as long as you're not a serious popsicle," Qibli said smirking.

Winter growled, "Don't have too much fun you pile of sand, the wind might just blow you away in your ignorance."

Qibli laughed, oh it was so on.

Starflight walked up to Qibli, "Qibli, I am not familiar with Redstone, what do you know about it?"

Qibli got a bit more serious with the question, "It's a pretty small town," Qibli started his explanation, "For Blister being called the smarts between the three sisters, she was pretty stupid for taking Redstone first."

"Why?" Starflight asked curious.

"Redstone is in a piss poor location, no resources, an almost dry oasis, and also one of the smallest towns in Pyrrhia," Qibli answered.

"There has to be some reason why she wanted to take that town?" Starflight asked him.

Qibli thought for a minute, "It is the farthest town in the SandKingdom from Burn's stronghold?"

Qibli and Starflight both nodded, "Burn's troops would be dead tired from all the flying they would have to do to get there."

"So what is the plan?" Clay asked them.

"We can work on a plan when we get there, we need to leave now if we want to be there on time," Qibli said sternly.

Clay nodded, "All right, you can fill us in on the location on the way there," Clay said taking off, with the rest of the group following him.

I have no idea why this chapter was so short. I had almost twice the amount of words planned, but the rest of it didn't seem to flow very well with me. Next chapter is going to be a bit longer so there is that I guess.

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