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Yep, I'm back, college has got me more free time so I will have time to write once again, I deleted the old version of this that I never even got to complete. Which sucks, but hey I'm back and I am going to write and not just throw words down and hope for the best. The first chapter is going to definitely be the shortest by a lot so don't worry this is just to get you in the mindset of "HOW".

Italic (thinking)

Darkness, nothing but chaos, death, and tragedy. Nothing but anger, hatred, sadness, and unending war. Even after the problem was solved that started the war that the three sisters greedily dragged every other tribe into there was still more, more, and more war. It was true darkness.

But in the midst of the upcoming war that he was going to reawaken in, there was a solution to the problem that Darkstalker saw he was about to have that was unavoidable. "I got about half an hour before I deal with my father, I have enough time to write one more spell that will make sure of my revival in the distant future and guarantee my position of power without having to enchant everybody."

He looked into the future to once again plan his reawakening, and look at his options. He saw how far his tribe fell and the plan they would have at trying to take the rainwing's land. He saw the complete disappearance of all powers the nightwings held because they went into hiding. "The fact that my tribe would fall so low is just proof that they are in desperate need of a change in leadership," he told himself.

"How foolish, to think that I wouldn't just enchant myself to be able to see however far that I want to," he tells himself.

He took a look at different wars and looked for opportunities in them to make an excellent appearance. It did not take long to see what he should do, however. "They are so starved for a hero in the midst of the crisis, it would be easy to have a hero planted in the middle of the war and have them easily capture the hearts of all sides of the war that would be dragged into the conflict." He thought out loud. He looked at all the prospects who he could make a hero and grimaced. "No wonder they are so desperate for a hero. Nobody has the heart or head to be a hero then."

A thought came to him while he was looking for a dragon that he would choose to be the hero. "Why don't I just make my own heroes?" he asked himself. a thought came to him "It will more than likely take more than one hero to stop the war and free me, won't it?"

He kept on planning with a wicked grin on his face. "This... is going to be fun!". He started writing in his scroll, accepting the fact that he will be in eternal sleep soon. it mattered not to the immortal dragon though.

He wrote before the bad news would be brought to him. He wrote to avoid destiny and regain the freedom that he would have taken away from him.

I decided to go back over every chapter and give them a tiny little upgrade. Who knows... I might make a major re-haul on this story in general. Same story, but better written.

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