Civil war part two

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Hello everyone once again! Happy dino month! So... just going to warn you now... there is a lot in this chapter. It was originally going to be bundled up with the last chapter, but that was agonizing to put it all together. I was wanting to write my first chapter that was over five thousand words, but I noped out of that one. I am going to be doing a q and A from all places that I put this. And just saying before I post this part... get a fanfiction account so I can actually answer you via message.


C.O.B: I am still fresh overall, trying to match their character. I do it purposefully with the dod, but that's because they grew up with confidence from their powers. I plan to completely re-vamp this whole entire fanfic once I am done with the series. After I get more confident at writing.

ClearsightReader: I am actually going to cover that once we see Darkstalker, which won't be for a Long! Time! I am just going to say it now, he will be 10x more powerful than he was in canon. There will be no bars held back when he is in the fic. When we have a character that can read minds, future sight, and is an animus. I want a character that can shatter worlds. Not some pussy that gets beaten from a fucking strawberry. That's just lazy writing. I already have the "fight" planned out. And I know nobody could ever guess how anything is going to go out.

And that it for Q&A, the song for today is an absolute banger. I recommend listening to "72 Seasons"

Starflight walks up to a map that Queen Ruby provided the dragonets. "Allright everyone, gather around," Starflight said, getting everyone's attention. Everyone gathered around the table.

"We have decided to agree to help Ruby take out Scarlet, she gave us the locations where Scarlet's rebellion was placed, and there were three different locations" Starflight started explaining to the group.

Starflight looked over the map, "Scarlet seems to be spread out in three different areas, there is a camp filled with them east of the town, in a clearing in the woods below the town," Starflight said pointing to the map of the Sky Kingdom.

"Tsunami, Riptide, Reed, Anemone, Pheasant, Sora, Marsh, Crane, and Umber are going to raid the encampment, capture as many as you can,"

"Erm, not that I'm not flattered that you think me and the MudWing sibs think that we can take on a whole camp... but we don't have any special powers like you guys do," Riptide said nervously.

Icicle sitting in the corner cleared her through, "I don't like to admit this, but royal training only goes so far when you are fighting ten to one," Icicle said, brooding in the corner.

Anemone flashed him a grin, "I got that covered,"

Riptide and the sibs were now concerned, "What do you mean, you got that covered?"

"I was thinking last night, almost all of us except for you, Icicle and the sibs all have powers... so why not all of us have powers!" Anemone said excitedly.

"What?" Crane said, confused.

"That's right, we could be one big group that all have powers, all I would have to do would be enchant you guys," Anemone said.

"Waitwaitwait, you mean you're just going to give us powers, just like that!" Reed yelled out in shock.

"Yea, why not?" Anemone asked him.

"It's not that I don't want you to, I know that you're an animus" Reed tried to word his next words carefully, "If you have all this power... why don't you just bring Scarlet to us?" Reed thought of something else, "At that, why don't you just use your powers to end the war?"

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