It's not a Bolder, It's an Island

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Wow, over three thousand views already. As of November 27th 2022, my fanfic is over three thousand views, as I am writing this fic, we are at three thousand three hundred twenty-seven views. Thanks guys.


SnowFlakeGuest: just writing this because i found out you can't know i'm reading this unless i post a review

Mc: Thanks, I wish you had an actual profile so I could thank you proper.

You guys see the new Metallica song drop just a couple days ago, it's called "Lux Æterna". It's an absolute banger of a song, but it's not the song for today. Not going to lie, right after the song released, I picked up my guitar and started to try and learn how to play it. I already have what chapter that song will be taking. The song for today was going to be "Leper Messiah", but I realized that song could be used in a way better way for a way later chapter. I couldn't really find a song for this chapter that fit, so I guess go listen to whatever you want to (you more than likely have anyway.)

The trip back up to the summer palace was pretty short now that Tsunami knew which way to go. She was slightly bigger than Anemone, thus being a little bit faster, so she burst through the water first, heading straight to where her friends were.

She quickly flapped just right above the landing spot to the cave where her friends were staying, and dropped down landing on it. Her sister was right behind her.

"Tsunami your back, that didn't take you as long as I thought it would." Starflight said looking up from the scroll he was reading before she left.

"Trust me, I got some good news" Tsunami said while moving over so Anemone could sit next to her. "Guys, I would like to introduce you to my sister Anemone."

Her introduction got a response of everybody saying "hi, yo, hello" from everybody. "Anemone, the mudwing's name is Clay, he is the oldest of the group while being the most physically strong out of the group" Tsunami said while Clay waved hi while waving.

"The skywing over there, her name is Peril, she is the newest one of the group, we met up with her while rescuing our dad from the sky kingdom, we do know for a certain that she is a dragonet of destiny though, also don't touch her, she is nice but she has firescales." Peril just gave Anemone a slight nod with a smile on her face, still being a little bit uncomfortable with not being hated by just about everybody around her.

"The rainwing is Glory, she is full of personality," Tsunami said cracking a grin.

"Say's you, your personality is if I hit it hard enough, it will work." Glory said amused.

"And the ball of sunshine over there is Sunny, don't let her kind nature fool you though, she is probably the best claw to claw combatant out of all of us with her speed her tiny frame gives her." Tsunami said while Sunny also waved to Anemone.

"And that leaves us with our little groups nightwing Starflight, if you have any questions just about anything, ask Starflight, he will more than likely have a answer to your problem." Tsunami finished her introduction.

"nice to meet you all" Anemone said with a smile on her face.

"Tsunami, not that it isn't cool to get to meet your sister or anything, but what is the good news?" Starflight asked.

"The good news is that we have a way to get the seawings out of the war!" Tsunami said excitedly.

Everybody stood up in excitement, knowing the fact that their plan was already working. "Really" Just about everybody said at the same time.

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