Generals Gather

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Generals gathered in their masses! Just like witches at black masses! Evil minds that plot destruction! Sorcerer of death's construction! In the fields, the bodies BURNING! As the war machine keeps turning! Death and hatred to mankind! Poisoning their brainwashed minds...

The group was huddled around a candle-lit map of Pyrrhia on a large table in the middle of a room. Everyone standing in silence, having just got back from cleaning up the Scorpion den from the battle.

"I think... we are ready," Starflight muttered out.

"Ready for what?" Turtle asked, saying the same thing that was running through everyone else's mind.

"To make the final push," Starflight started explaining, making everyone perk up with the first words to come out of his mouth, "Blaze and Blister have recently lost a large chunk of their armies, they are going to be getting desperate and will make mistakes, Burn is wearing down as well with all the fronts she is on."

Winter shook his head, "So what do we do?" Winter asked, "Even if we try to capture them again, they will probably just be teleported again."

Starflight sighed in annoyance, what Winter said was probably right, "That's a risk we are going to have to take if we want to end this war."

"Well... what's the plan?" Anemone asked anxiously.

"Qibli and I discussed this all night while we were working," Starflight began, "We figure that both Blaze and Blister are both desperate enough to do a big push if they think Burn's stronghold is weak," Qibli nodded and continued what Starflight was saying, "We think if we plant some "information" on both Blister and Blaze, that we can get them to attack Burn's stronghold at the same time."

"What's the information going to say?" Tsunami asked.

Starflight didn't have to think long, "Something they probably already have a good idea of, Burn was captured but she escaped, but not without being injured, she has lost allot of blood and is bed-ridden, her forces are in disarray and dragons are talking about fleeing."

"I think it sounds like a good idea," Sunny said excitedly, "how are we going to plant the information?"

"That's where Anemone and Turtle comes in," Starflight said with a smile, "We will enchant some items to look like a dead SandWing from Burn's army that had been bitten by a dragon bite viper along the way near where Blaze retreated too."

"And what about Blister?" Sunny asked.

"Blister is pretty cunning, so she is going to be a bit more difficult," Starflight explained, "Especially since we don't even have a clue where she is at, so Anemone is going to enchant a hawk with the information to fly low above them, making sure it gets caught."

"It all sounds pretty good, but what happens the moment they see it's a trap and not just leave or start to kill each other?" Clay asked with a frown.

Qibli nodded his head, "We need to make sure both armies do NOT leave, there will have to be a small amount of us surrounding the battle to make sure they have no way out," He explained.

"What about them killing each other, this is the whole point of what we have been doing?" Sunny asked worried.

Starflight sighed, "There will be fighting, that's for sure, I can stop a whole army for a few minutes, but there is no way me by myself could stop almost a whole kingdom," Starflight explained, "We need to spread out and make sure there is no deaths if we can help it, and another small group needs to go after the three princesses."

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Icicle asked concerned.

Starflight stared down and glared, "If they don't then we will make them stop... the war ends on that day whether they like who is picked to be queen or not."

Everyone nodded, "What do we do with the princesses?"

"We capture them, we are going to do this properly and put them on trial," Starflight answered.

"Speaking of a new queen, do we have any prospects yet?" Peril asked.

Starflight sighed and leaned back into his chair, "While we were in Redstone a couple of days ago, I checked everyone's mind in that town... they don't really have a leader there either."

"So what are we going to do then?" Peril asked.

"Actually, I think I have an idea?" Sunny said excitedly.

Everyone's head turned to her, "You do?"

"Ya!" Sunny said, "All right, here me out..."

The group heard her answer and smiled, "All right then, then that is solved... so when are we going to send these letters out?" Reed asked.

I know this chapter is short, but the next chapter is going to be the LONGEST in the series...

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