The Eye

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MMMM... rain go brrrr. Welcome back everyone. Hope everyone like the last chapter with all the stuff that happened... to much? Well too bad!

A crowd gathered to watch the spectacle happen. Blister the tyrant princess was being dragged across the courtyard of the stronghold she tried to take for so many years, being dragged into the palace with vines wrapped around her, trapping her.

Glory led the way through the crowd, the rest of the dragonets behind her listening to the dragons muttering around them.

Turtle bent over to Tsunami nervously, "Are you sure they won't try anything."

Tsunami nodded her head, "They know just as well as we do that they wouldn't stand a chance in a fight."

Glory opened the door to the stronghold and walked inside with Blister following behind her.

"Ahh home sweet home, too bad there are a couple peasants with me..." Blister muttered angrily.

Glory tugged on the rope making her trip, "Lets go," she turned to the rest of the group, "Anyone know where the dungeons are?"

"That would be down the stairs to the right," A voice broke out from behind them.

They turned to see a pale yellow dragon with a black diamond pattern on his back, "Hello again Blister."

"Smolder," Blister hissed out, "It's nice to see the coward of the family again."

Smolder kept the neutral look on his face, "The same for you..."

Blister's hiss was cut off by another tug coming from Glory.

"Come on, the cell is waiting for you misses grouchy," Glory said sarcastically.

"You guys go on without me, I have a few things I need to ask him." Clay told the group.

Everyone beside Peril left, heading down the hall.

"Is there a reason you need me, Because I assure you, I want nothing to do with ruling the SandKingdom..." Smolder told the MudWing.

Clay shook his head, pulling out the bag from before, "No, Your sister Burn gave me this bag and told me to ask you about it before she... died."

If Smolder was upset he didn't show it, "Alright, let me see it," He walked over to the MudWing and took the bag opening it, "So what is in- how did you get this?" he asked rapidly closing the bag again.

"Burn had me dig it from your mother's grave, said you would know what it was," Clay answered.

"This is the Eye of Onix... she knew where it was the whole time but she didn't tell anyone," Smolder muttered out shocked.

"And that is?" Clay asked, Peril leaning forwards curious too.

"If we had this item the moment Oasis died... this war would have never happened," Smolder started explaining, "This is one of the phew animus enchanted objects the SandKingdom has possession of," Smolder said while gently placing the bag on a table.

"This item was made early on in the kingdom's history by a dragon named Jerboa, it was made during what could be described as the very first "SandWing Queen succession crisis"," Smolder answered.

"And what does it do?" Clay asked.

"When there was a challenger for the throne, instead of killing the queen the Eye is used for judging the challenger, if the challenger lives after touching the eye, she is deemed worthy to become queen... and then the challenger fights the current queen for the right," Smolder answered.

"What happens if it rejects them?" Clay asked, feeling like something was missing.

"They die from what I hear, a very painful death," Smolder finished.

"So that's why you never pulled it out of the bag..." Clay muttered, now happy that he didn't touch it either.

The group came back up from the stairs seeing Clay talking to Smolder, "So what were you talking about?" Tsunami asked him.

"I'll tell you guys later, you're not going to believe this," Clay said a bit excited.

"Well that's cool, but we need to talk," Starflight said to the group.

"What's wrong?" Clay asked now worried.

"Blister is WAY too willing to be captured, I tried to read her mind but it's like every time she thinks about the reason she is willing to be captured, her mind goes blank," Starflight explained.

"Animus?" Clay asked, now turning to Smolder.

He shrugged his wings, "I never heard of us owning anything like that."

Starflight nodded his head, reading his mind, making sure he was telling the truth, "Reed, do you think you could take your sibs and watch over Blister?"

Reed nodded and went back down the stairs, all of the sibs following him.

"Qibli, Winter, I need you two to go and inform all of the queens about the trial," Starflight told the two.

They both nodded and left out the door.

"Everyone else... just make sure nothing bad happens," Starflight muttered as he walked off.

Clay went to walk off as well but Peril grabbed his arm stopping him, "What is it?" Clay asked.

"Are you ok?" She asked quietly.

Clay was silent for a bit but nodded, "I'm a bit upset, I didn't mean to kill her but... I know it was an accident."

Peril nodded her head, "That's good, I know you wouldn't kill a dragon on purpose like that... I don't think I could get upset even if it was on purpose with how many I have killed..." she said, now upset with herself.

Clay nodded, now giving her a smile, "Well then, how about we make a promise to each other?"

Peril looked back up to him, "What is that?"

"Let's both make a promise that we will try as hard as we can to not kill unless we have too," Clay said now holding her in a hug.

Peril smiled but then frowned guilty when he couldn't see her face, "I would like that..."

With Glory

Glory was pacing right outside the stronghold, frowning about what she was thinking.

They needed to HURRY this up, they had to get to the RainKingdom before it was to late!

Deathbringer did say the attack could happen in the next week or so, and it's going to take a couple days just to get there...

She didn't have time to wait for the trial...

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