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RE RE MOTHETR FRICKERS! How we all doing? A new Wings of Fire tv show announced, so that's cool. Go watch Tbnrzip on YouTube, me and him have been doing live streams together.

Burn was standing on top of one of the many dunes that made up the SandKingdom, looking down at the small town that her "Sister" had just taken from her.

Her eyes scanned around the area, taking note that almost none of Blister's army was in the Village itself, opting out to stay in their camp right next to the small village.

Burn scoffed at her sister's stupidity, she did not know how in the three moons everyone thought Blister was the smartest out of the three.

It didn't matter though, today is the day Blister dies!

Burn leaned her head back, pointing towards the sky, and roared, "Everybody into the air, prepare to charge!"

This didn't take much planning. Her army was almost twice the size of Blister's army, just charge and overrun them in their poorly defendable area.

The rest of Burn's army launched into the air from behind the dune, and stayed behind Burn, waiting for orders to be told.

Burn launched into the air with her army and roared, "Take no prisoners, this war ends today!"

Her army roared and dived down on the town with her with full confidence, they could tell they outnumbered Blister also.

But a dragon was waiting for them that they were not expecting, especially by himself.

Starflight was calmly sitting between the town and Burn's army, not worrying at all. He was even taking a sip of tea that was made via Glory's powers.

Burn halted, her army stopping as well, they knew that if she stopped, they should DEFINITELY stop.

Burn cautiously landed in front of the black dragon, recognizing him from her previous encounter with the Dragonets.

The rest of her army landed with her in confusion. It was just one NightWing. Why didn't she just kill him and move on?

"What are you doing here!" Burn hissed angrily at the sight of the NightWing Infront of her.

Starflight took a sip from his stone cup, promptly ignoring the pissed princess Infront of him, "Morning Burn, quite early to be pillaging a town at this time of the day..."

"Move NightWing, you and your dragonet friends will not be stopping me today!" Burn said taking a sinister step toward the dragon in front of her.

Starflight, still ignoring her, drank the rest of his tea and crushed the small stone cup in his talons, turning it to dust, "What do you mean?" Starflight feigned confusion, "I already beat you..."

Burn's eyes grew, remembering what this NightWing was capable of. She looked down but it was already too late.

Her shadow was connected to his, and so wasn't the rest of her army.

She was trapped.

The quiet wind from the desert was audible in the dead silence.

It broke when a loud explosion went off not too far away, then she started to hear roars coming from Blister's camp.

Starflight smirked, "Seems like we caught them off guard, it's such a shame that I have to be stuck here babysitting you."

Burn hissed in anger, "What was that?"

"We came up with a plan on the way here to make sure we disorientated Blister's army while we try to capture her, Peril was to superheat the sand under the army and turn it into glass," Starflight started explaining calmly, "Clay was supposed to come in later and use his powers to make all the glass shatter and explode out of the ground... sounds like it worked."

Burn roared, they had ALL been played, "When I get out of here, I will rip you open and stuff you!"

Starflight shook his head in amusement, "I think you need to sit down for a bit," He said as he took a seat, Burn and her army mimicking him unwillingly.

Starflight got serious, "This IS what's going to happen," Starflight started with a calm tone, "Clay is going to encase you in the stone, and the whole way back home, you are going to be hooked up to my shadow so you can't move, and then you are going to be trialed for all the war crimes you have commited."

Burn just hissed again, not being able to do anything.

The sounds of battle continued in the background. The sounds of dragons roaring being heard along with the sound of fire being spewed.

And then it was quiet.

Too quiet and too quickly.

Starflight got confused, why did it quiet down all of a sudden?

"What's wrong, is your plan not working?" Burn said sneering.

Starflight shook his head, "Everything seems fine, Clay isn't scared and none of the others seem to be too worried."

He could start to feel all of the dragonet's minds make their way towards him.

Then he could start to hear them, he couldn't pick the thoughts out indefinitely, but they were all complaining about something.

They came over the roofs of the village and landed next to him, the original dragonets not even batting an eye at the large army.

"It happened again!" Tsunami roared the moment she landed.

Starflight gave her a questioning look but then the answer came from everybody's mind.

"She disappeared too?" Starflight asked out loud.

Clay nodded, "Along with her army, it's exactly like Blaze."

Burn was trying to listen with confusion written on her face, three moons were they talking about?

Starflight sighed and looked over at Burn, "Maybe our sandy friend knows?"

Burn got offended at the mere words that came out of his mouth, "Go kill yourself"

"Figures," Starflight said with a smirk, "She knows about as much as we do"

Everybody groaned at that.

"Glory, Clay, if you would please?" Starflight motioned towards the hostile SandWing.

Both dragons that were mentioned nodded and stomped their talons onto the ground.

Rocks and vines started to burst out of the sand, wrapping around all the SandWing's feet, tying them against the sand.

But Burn wasn't tied up against the sand like the rest of her army.

Her arms and legs were encased in a solid black rock that she couldn't break.

Starflight sighed, "That's much better, controlling a whole army is so dreadfully annoying, especially out here in the desert."

"What is this stuff?" Burn asked confused, never seeing rocks like this.

Clay was the one to answer, "That's called obsidian, it's formed when Lava and Water mix together in a special mixture, very strong."

Starflight re-connected his shadow to Burn's, "Come along princess, we got places to be."

"I'm not going anywhere you piece of camel shit!" Burn roared.

"Don't have a choice, come on," Starflight said bored, taking off the ground with the angry princess mimicking him once again.

The rest of the dragonets of destiny followed him, guarding the princess and making sure she couldn't get away.

The rest of Burn's army were sitting there not knowing what to do, still being wrapped to the ground via Glory and Clay.

"Ya uhh... what the fuck?" one of the soldiers said in confusion with everything that had just happened.

Everybody could only nod in agreement. 

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