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And here... we... go. Onto the second to last arc into the series and this is probably going to be the longest one. Welcome to the SAND ARC! Christmas is over and with that goes my Christmas special I made, it was part of the universe and set about 3 or 4 years into the future, I can't remember now and I'm too lazy to check. No song recommendation for this chapter, its going to be a shorter one.

"Guys! What are we going to do?" Sunny asked as she and the rest of the group were making their way towards the Sand Kingdom, flying over the frosted mountains of the western side of the Ice Kingdom.

Well I don't know about you all, but I don't think that the princesses should be allowed to even touch the throne, let alone rule it," Tsunami said angrily. Everybody nodded at that, agreeing with her.

What are we going to do then?" Sunny asked worried, "We can't pick the three princesses,"

Starflight thought for a bit, "Who said it has to be one of the princesses?" Starflight asked her.

a different candidate?" Peril said confused, "But there is no royalty left, Oasis had no other children and her husband died pretty soon after her death?"

Nope, no royalty." Starflight shook his head, "We could look for social leaders, town heads, or SandWings that we think would fit the job,"

Do you think the SandWings would accept that, they haven't even tried doing that yet?" Clay asked.

They probably haven't even considered it yet," Starflight said, sure of himself, "In the end, it's all going to be up to the SandWings to fix this,"

Everybody thought on it but nodded in agreement in the end. It was a better choice than to let any of those tyrants be the queen.

They were almost on the border between the kingdoms now. It was starting to get dark and they were looking for a place where they could spend the night.

"Hey guys! Is that a shack?" Riptide asked, looking over at a nearby beach where lights were coming out of something.

They made their way towards the light source and saw a small hut that was made of wood and had a palm frond roof.

"Think we should ask if we can spend the night on the beach?" Sunny asked the group.

"I don't see why not," Tsunami said looking at the nice-looking beach.

Sunny walked up to the door and knocked on it politely.

She heard scuffling inside after she knocked on the door.

An average-sized pale SandWing opened the door, "What on earth are some random dragonets doing out here?" the female SandWing asked after she saw all the dragonets outside her house.

"We were wanting to know-" Sunny was cut off by Starflight before she could continue.

"Hello, my name is Starflight, I am with the Dragonets of Destiny, I have a message from Glacier, yes I know you're an animus, no I could care less if you are one. Yes, I know you are friends with Glacier, no I don't care that you are friends with her."

Jerboa's eyes were wide from all the stuff Starflight was spitting out, "How did you..."

"I can read minds, Glacier didn't believe me so she challenged me and she happened to be thinking of you," Starflight answered simply.

Jerboa was confused and about to say something else but was cut off by Starflight.

"Wow, for being over two thousand years old, you don't look like you're a year over twenty!" Starflight said with a smirk.

Jerboa frowned, "All right, you can read minds, what do you want?" Jerboa said, getting annoyed at the dragonet in front of her, "You said Glacier had a message for me, I doubt a message takes a group this big," She said motioning at the dragonets in her yard.

"Well, she didn't order us to tell you this but I know she would like you to know that the IceWings were not at war anymore, and I think she is coming soon to visit you," Starflight said.

Jerboa smiled slightly, "Is there anything else?"

Starflight nodded, "Me and my friends were wanting to know if we could spend the night tonight on your beach, we will be gone tomorrow morning,"

Jerboa frowned again in annoyance, "Sure, just don't make a racket or be loud,"

Starflight nodded once again, "Thanks!"

With that Jerboa closed her door for the night.

Winter was looking at Starflight, "Who was that? You said she knew Queen Glacier and it seemed like they were friends?"

Starflight glared at Winter, reading his mind. "She is her friend, and you will tell no such thing to your mother,"

Winter was offended and about to tell the NightWing off, But Icicle cut him off before he could say anything.

"Winter, I know you don't hardly know the NightWing, but if he tells you not to say something, then that means keep your mouth shut, it's private and I will not condone you breaking that privacy," Icicle said, deadly serious.

"How can you trust him, you have only been with him for a couple of weeks!" Winter said angrily.

"And in that time, he has done nothing wrong or to break that trust, I know he has heard things in my head that he has not spoken a word of, I turst him and I will not let you break the trust he has with others," Icicle finished before walking off.

Winter was still frowning at the NightWing but nodded and wandered off with Icicle.

"You still haven't told me about your powers?" Winter asked curiously.

Burn was sitting on her throne, working on a dead albino Dragonbite Viper for her weirdling tower.

A SandWing runs into her throne room, panting from how hard they had been flying and running, "My Queen, the report from the scouts and spies are in!"

"It can wait, I'm busy," Burn said, putting another stitch into the snake.

"It's about the Dragonets and Blaze," the messenger said, trying to get Burn's attention.

Burns's head shot towards the SandWing, her attention now on him. The Dragonets were the only dragons in Pyrrhia to ever give her a good fight.

"Go on, spit it out!" Burn hissed at the messenger.

He cleared his throat, starting to read of the report, "It has been recently declared that Queen Glacier has ended her partnership with Blaze due to a recent incident regarding Blaze trying to dispose of Glacier for a more helpful ally, but the Dragonets had helped Glacier with Blaze during a fight. Blaze escaped and her current location along with her army is currently unknown." the Messenger finished her report.

Burn was smiling menacingly. This war sounded like it wasn't far from over. Burn and Blister didn't have allies anymore and they both had no base, "And what of the Location of the Dragonets?"

"Reports show that they were making their way towards the desert," The messenger answered, shaking from the look on Burn's face.

Burn looked back down at the SandWing in her throne room, "Get out of here!"

The messenger ran out of the room, terrified for his life.

Burn looked back down at the snake. The dragonets were in her domain now. 

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