Heroes are coming!

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Back at ya with a new chapter. I hope as I continue to write I can get better so you guys can enjoy it better. Im going to start trying to target around five thousand words for chapter now. I was either going to write a httyd fic or this but I decided this, because there is a lot of httyd fics. There are not very many WoF fics and that upsets me a little bit with how good WoF is as a book series. Either way, onto the story, I recommend listening to spit out the bone "Ben Zimmerman" version.
5 years later...
"I wonder what she wants with me now" Thought peril on her way to the throne room a little bit annoyed at the queen. "I was having a really good nap."
"If she wants to have somebody killed, I don't know why she doesn't do it herself... she would more than likely enjoy it more than watching it." peril made it up to door to the throne room.
The guards opened the door and walked off to the sides to get away from her, in fear of her lethal scorching touch. "The queen awaits your arrival champion Peril." said the guard more confidently than he felt.
Peril just ignored them and walked right up to queen Scarlet "What do you want queen Scarlet?"
"I have a different thing for you to do today, I am about to break over a thousand years of tradition by doing this but it is too big of an opportunity to hit a major blow to Blister and her seawing allies." Scarlet started to explain.
"We have gotten word from spies that a certain King of the seawings is going on a peace trip to try and make a deal with the rainwings and gain their resources in food and herbs that can only grow in the jungle, you are the only one that I can trust will be able to take down all the Royall guards he has guarding him." Said Skarlet.
"Your task, is to take a group of around eight of my Guards and intercept the royal task group and take out all the royal guards that Gill has guarding him, Make Shure you capture Gill alive and bring him back to me, he will make a fine bargaining chip I can use against the seawings and have my way with them." Tasked Skarlet. "Let's try to keep this quiet, like I said this is breaking a lot of tradition, and it will upset a lot of the council and I don't have time to deal with those idiots, any questions?"
"When will I be leaving, and where will I be intercepting them at?" Asked Peril.
"This is going to be the tricky part, they are going to take the diamond spray delta all the way to the entrance of the jungle and fly into the jungle, we will be unable to attack that whole time till they get out of the water and try and fly into the jungle, you have about a two-hundred-yard stretch of open ground to try and intercept them, if they make it into that jungle it is pretty much already game over because it is too easy to escape in there." explained Scarlet.
"You are going to head over to the barracks right now, your task force is waiting for you right now, this mission is too important to fail, if you have any trouble with them, you have my permission to incinerate them the moment they start to disobey you. You may leave now." Scarlet said.
Peril just nodded and started to walk out of the throne room, the moment that she thought that nobody could see hear she had a grin plastered to her face "Finally, something interesting to do." she thought to herself.
She walked to the exit of the castle and launched off through the air and started flying to the barracks not too far away from the castle.
She landed Infront of the barracks and all the skywings were already waiting outside ready to go and all suited up in armor with their weapons of choice if they had a weapon.
Peril just nodded at them and she flew up into the direction of the mudwing kingdom towards the diamond spray. With the squad right behind her. "We should be there in about three days, we will fly non-stop and we should have about a day to rest up once we get there before the target makes it." Peril said behind her to the squad.
It was going to be a long, long trip.
Three days later
They landed at the edge of the jungle and made their way into it about a hundred yards to rest and plan their attack.
After everybody landed and ate some rations, Peril had them all come over to her so they could plan out the attack. "Ok, so I want four of you on one side of the river and I need four others on the other, the plan is I am going to go in and start by getting the guards. The spy said there should be around ten guards. The moment I start the attack I want four of you to cut off the escape route to the diamond spray river, the other four of you I want cover the edge of the rainforest and make shore Gill doesn't make it in there, am I clear." All the guards nodded.
"Good, I want you to spend the night in your spots for the night and wake up early, they are supposed to be through here around eight in the morning, be ready even before then, we can't mess this up." Peril said.
Four of the skywings immediately up and left the area heading for the other side of the river to await Gill and his guards.
Early next morning at 7:40 AM
Peril is waiting behind some underbrush just far enough from it so that she doesn't catch it on fire. "Those seawings should be here any moment." she told herself.
The moment she said that, five big seawing guards burst out of the water and looked around looking for any enemies in the area. Once the area was cleared one of the guards went back to the water.
It wasn't even a moment later and the guard plus six other dragons came out of the water with him.
Gill was very easy to spot in-between all the guards with how big he was with his green scales.
Gill looked over at the guard that had brought him out of the water "You are absolutely shore that this area is clear. This is the only area that we could be intercepted in?"
The guard quickly answered "Yes king Gill, there are no dragons in the area we could see, even if there were the scouts said that there were no mudwings in the area that would intercept us."
"Let's hurry up then and get in that jungle so we can get this over with, Pearl needs help watching Anemone and the Egg." Said Gill launching off towards the jungle.
"This will be easier than I thought." Mumbled Peril to herself, waiting for the seawings to make it to about the half way point between the jungle and diamond spray.
The moment they made it to the half way point, Peril jumped up and ran straight up into the middle guard while clipping two more in-between the middle guard with her wings effectively killing the three dragons before they even knew what had happened.
All three of the dragons fell out of the sky screaming in pain while they were being engulfed in fire. All the seawings stopped and hovered in the air shocked at what happened.
There shock was broken when Peril flipped back around and rammed into another one of the guards in the front formation leaving only six guards left to defend Gill.
"Retreat! Retreat! head back for the water its Scarlet's flame scale!" said one of the guards in the back turning around to retreat.
Peril quickly got the last guard that was Infront of gill and started to chase after the group as they flew quickly to make it back to the river.
They were quickly cut off by four skywing guards and stopped midair looking around trying to find a way to escape. Them stopping was their doom.
Peril immediately jumped three more of the guards and killed them instantly. Webs and the other two guards dived below Peril and land, trying to avoid her and run to the jungle, unaware of the guards that were awaiting there anyway... not that they made it that far.
The moment they started to run, a huge spurt of fire came out of the ground and formed a big ring of fire all the way around the three seawings capturing them.
"Surrender now in the name of queen Scarlet and your guards' lives will be spared for now!" commanded Peril hovering over the ring of fire.
"Like hell I will, I know what will happen if we become prisoners under Scarlet. We will be-AAACK!" A guard was silenced by a tendril of fire came out of the ring and killed him instantly from the hellish heat.
"Does anybody have anything else to say what you will be doing." Said peril annoyed at how stupid the guard was.
Gill and the other guard just sat there silently in shock at how quickly their numbers were decimated by the royal champion.
"Good, saves me a lot of trouble, Guard get em... we got a long journey here, we got to get out of here before the muddwings catch word of this." Commanded Peril to the skywings guards.
They quickly searched the seawings for any secret weapons and got them up in the air and started on their way towards the skywing kingdom.
Four days later
Peril leads the seawings into the throne room with two guards behind them. "queen Scarlet I have the prisoners with me right now, mission success." Peril said to Scarlet who was sitting on her throne.
"Good, good, guards take them to the throne room I will deal with them later.
The guards just nodded and took the seawings to the prison chambers below the castle.
Peril was still standing there waiting for the guards to leave, Scarlet took notice of this. "Do you need something Peril?"
Peril nodded. "Do you need me to do anything else?" she asked hoping for some type of praise, anything really to show that she did good.
Scarlet just shook her head no. "Nope! Get out of here until I need you again."
To say the least Peril was upset as she left the throne room. "Really, no thank you Peril, thank you for capturing the king of Seawings and having no injuries on your squad." she went on not knowing that a dragon heard all this that probably shouldn't have heard that "The talons will have to hear about this." the Spy muttered to himself immediately heading out to go tell the news of what has happened.
Three days later with the dragonets.
SLAM! We see a Clay getting thrown to the ground HARD. There was something wrapped around his leg that was green.
Clay turned around and did a punching motion with his arm. Suddenly a guge spike came out of the ground that was blunted at the end so he didn't hurt Glory to bad when it hit her.
She went flying all the way across the cave and hit the wall and was out for the count for today's spar.
"Thats it for today, Dragonets Clay is the winner for today." Said Webs leaving for the living chambers.
Clay got up off the ground and walked over to Glory and picked her up "You ok Glory?"
"Ya I'm ok, you didn't hit me too hard, just enough to knock me silly." she said to him groaning in pain.
"Good" Clay said as he started to walk back into their room where all of his friends slept in.
"So, who won this time?" Tsunami asked as Clay walked into the room.
"I won this time, unlike last time." said Clay as he walked into the room to Tsunami. In the room all the other dragonets were in there with Glory walking in right behind him.
Last time Clay and Glory fought, she was able to tie him up by having vines burst right out from underneath him and tying his legs up so he couldn't move at all.
Kestrell, Dunes, and Webs don't really spar against them anymore because the dragonets were pretty much on a level of their own. The only one who does any real combat training with them was Sunny and that was because she doesn't have any real offensive combat element, all she could do was heal dragons.
She was appreciated non the less because with how hard the dragonets train, they had their own number of injuries they got almost every week from how hard they trained against each other.
But considering Kestrel, Dunes, And Webs could specifically work on her training, she was pretty adept on being able to defend herself even being able to beat some of them a good amount of the time.
The dragonets were all so strong in their respective element fighting style that Kestrel said confidently they could probably be able to wage a war just by themselves with how potentially destructive and dangerous they were. To say that boosted their confidence would be a understatement. Not that they were cocky and had a huge ego.
They had each other to make Shure that never happened with each other.
Their relationship with each other was great to, with them being raised with each other they all had brother and sister relationships. Clay especially had that feeling with all of them.
They were all talking with each other about how they sparred today against each other when they heard Kestrel yell for all of them in the main room of the cave.
All the dragonets walked out of the cave and filled in right Infront of Kestrel. When they looked at Kestrell she looked really excited for what she was about to say.
"Dragonets, I have great news to tell you... ITS TIME!" Kestrel said to them all.
"What do you mean its time?" asked Starflight confused at what she meant.
"It's time to go kick Scarlet's ass is what I am saying!" Said Kestrell with a big grin on her face.
The one thing that made Kestrel happy was getting to kill her dragonets murderer.

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