Mistakes Were Made

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Don't have a lot to say, enjoy the chapter!

This was getting annoying. We had been at Blaze's for a day now, and we were getting nowhere. Icicle thought to herself as she walked through the halls of the fort.

Blaze was just so easily distracted! She could lose track of a topic in literal seconds. If you tried to bring up the war, she would give you a very short answer and start talking about something else, like her scale polish or her collection of capes.

"Hey, have you seen these jewels? My mom got them for me before she died!" Icicle recalled hearing from Blaze. "Hey, have you seen this cape? It's the only one in the world!"

It was just infuriating!

It was Clay and Peril's turn to take a crack at talking with Blaze; it would be their sixth time trying to talk to her today that sounded anything like negotiations.

She was hoping to at least get something started before her mother and the queen showed up, but that hope was looking like a snowflake's chance in hell. It was looking so bad that nothing was going to happen, even when they did show up.

She kept wandering down the halls, letting her mind wander in boredom. She would love to be practicing her powers, but she didn't want anybody, especially her mother and the queen, to know that she had them. She was hoping to keep this a secret from them as long as she could.

She was getting tired of just wandering around, so she started heading back towards the room she was staying in.

She reached her door, opened it, and sighed deeply in boredom. She wasn't ready for who was waiting for her on the other side.

She didn't even have enough time to say anything before he grabbed her and threw her into the room and closed the door.

Icicle shook her head, shaking off the fall, and asked Winter, "What are you doing here?"

"Are you okay?" Winter said, ignoring her question. Icicle didn't say anything, confused about why he was even here.

Winter cracked open the door and peeked outside, then closed it again shortly after. "Where are they?" Winter asked vaguely.

"Who?" Icicle asked, standing up off the floor of her room and starting to get frustrated with her younger brother.

"The Dragonets of Destiny, where are they?" Winter asked again.

Why would he want to know about them? Icicle thought to herself. "I don't know where everybody is at, but Clay and Peril are talking with Blaze right now," Icicle answered.

Winter was now the one confused. Why did Icicle call them by their first names? She hardly does that with anybody. He shook his head, "We have to leave!" Winter said, making his way towards the door.

Icicle was starting to understand what was going on. She was about to say something but was interrupted when there was a knock at the door, also making Winter freeze in his tracks.

"Icicle, are you okay?" Starflight said behind the door, probably hearing her thoughts from his room.

Winter shook his head at her, trying to tell her not to say anything at all.

Icicle snorted, Starflight knew a while ago that Winter was here but probably didn't do anything about it because he could hear in Winter's mind that he meant no harm to her.

"You can come in, it's just my brother," Icicle answered him.

Starflight walked into the room, shut the door behind him, and gave Winter a smile. "It's an honor to meet you, Prince Winter," Starflight said, giving him a bow.

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