That Was Just Your Life

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It is time... it's been almost two years in the making... but it's time. I hope this is worth the wait. There are two songs that you should listen to for this chapter "Ecstasy of Gold" and "Enter Sandman". Oh ya, and a little warning... gore.

"Throw your soldiers into positions whence there is no escape, and they will prefer death to flight." Sun Tzu,

The sun started to rise over the desert sands. The start of a new, long, scorching day... and maybe something else.

The Dragonets stood on top of one of the larger dunes, being able to view almost the whole desert from where they were. The only dragonets that weren't there were Qibli and Winter who were out scouting.

Nobody said anything, the tension hanging in the air like a thick fog, everyone knew this was more than likely going to be one of the most important days in their life... possibly in the history of the Sand Kingdom.

Glory was sitting partially back from the group, something completely different on her mind. Thinking back to what her and Deathbringer talked about just a couple days ago... she was so getting yelled at for not telling anyone about him.

Starflight surely knew, but he was keeping his promise to not spill any secrets he heard.

"What better time to talk about it than now when an incoming battle is about to happen, right?" Glory thought to herself sarcastically as she stood up.

"So... guys, you want to hear something interesting I found out?" Glory asked worried.

Everyone turned to her confused, why was she acting like that?

"Do you remember that NightWing that almost killed us?" Glory asked.

Clay, Peril, and Tsunami nodded, "We never actually saw him but ya."

"Well umm... I may have been talking with him for the last few... weeks," Glory muttered that last part out quietly.

"WHAT!" everyone roared besides Starflight, confirming her suspicion.

"Why would you ever talk to him?" Tsunami asked angrily. Her eyes grew and she turned to look at Starflight, "You KNEW! Why didn't you say anything?"

"It was her secret to keep and..." Starflight said while smirking at Glory.

Glory sent a death-filled glare.

Starflight nodded his head and his brow furrowed, "I made a promise to not expose any secret thoughts I have heard."

"Ok, but it still doesn't answer our main question, WHY?" Tsunami asked again.

"He never actually wanted to kill us, he said his talons were forced into it by Morrowseer," Glory started to explain.

"Ok, but why did you continue to talk to him?" Clay asked calmly.

"He was actually helping us, he has been keeping the other assassins off our back and spying on the NightWings for us," Glory finished explaining.

Clay nodded, "That's a pretty good reason in my opinion," his head turned to the sky seeing a white dot, "We can talk about this later, Winter is back."

Winter landed on the ground, shaking the sand off his scales, "Blaze is on her way, her army is about 20 to 30 minutes out," Winter looked around, "Qibli isn't here yet?"

Starflight shook his head, "Not yet, and I haven't heard his mind recently so he isn't close either."

Winter nodded, "Hopefully he gets back soon, it would be best if both armies got here around the same time."

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