Born to Kill

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Not going to lie this was the first chapter that was hard to write because this chapter is going to choose how a lot of the other chapters are going to be written. I was debating writing about how the book goes about the timeline, but I decided, if I'm going to write a fanfic about how I think the book could be perfected, then I am going to write it how I want it. Also, I came here to tell you I posted the music list I listened to while writing this book, I will put the URL in my bio if you want to listen to it and see what I was inspired by, just going to say now, it's a whole lot of rock and metall. But back to the story, this takes place about a year and a half since the last chapter. And now, onto the chapter.
Terrified is the only thing he could feel right now as he stared down the most violent beast in his lifetime, even after facing thousands of dragons. The champion looked frantically back up to his queen. "Please your magesty, don't make me have to fight that monster. Me and you both know that if I fight that thing then I will be killed!" he pleaded to his queen.
Scarlet just smirked. "Too bad, this is my new champion, you have been loyal to me but you have started to bore me, so I will just have to make things even more thrilling. And as tradition states for there to be a new champion the current champion must be killed by the challenger."
"Bullshit, you just want to watch me get incinerated by your new toy, you sick fuck!" he argued back accepting his fate, might as well get his worth out of the situation.
Scarlet just laughed at him "Oh enough of this, Peril if you would please get rid of him?"
The monster now shown to be a little one year old dragonet started to walk towards the champion skywing. The champion immediately tried to get out of the palace room he was in to escape his fate. The moment he turned around a huge wall of fire erupted right Infront of the exit blocking his path out. He turned back around to look at the dragonet to see it had one of its paws lifted up Infront of it. The champion immediately knew what had happened. The little dragonet had summoned it from thin air.
"You are no dragon, not even a monster, you are nothing but a demon, you're just a baby dragonet and you have already killed countless amount of good dragons. Your no champion because, you don't even fight. You just have to touch them then they die!" he screamed while scrambling back as far as he could from the dragonet.
"You hear me devil! You are nothing but an executioner for the queen for her to get her sick kicks!" he yelled at the dragonet frantically.
The dragonet was now right up upon him now. She was hesitating right Infront of him.
Scarlet immediately started to get ticked off. "Peril kill him now or you don't get your black rocks tonight.
Peril flinched and quickly laid her paw down on the stomach of the skywing champion. Immediately the room started to smell like burning flesh. The only thing that could be heard was the screams from the skywing as he was being engulfed by the super-heated flames from Peril's flame scales.
It didn't even take two minutes for the skywing to be nothing else but ash and dust.
Scarlet just sat there laughing at the sight. "Can I get somebody to open up a window to blow out all the dust?"
The guards surrounding the queen sat there absolutely terrified of the dragonet Infront of them that just caused one of the most brutal deaths they had ever seen.
After Scarlet stopped laughing, she immediately focused on the dragonet in front of her. "Peril if I ever see you hesitate on killing somebody, I told you to kill, I will take away your black rocks."
Peril frantically nodded as her response. "Yes, my queen, is there anything else I need to do." Scarlet shook her head no "just go back to your sleeping quarters.
Peril started to become sad "When am I going to get to do anything fun?" she asked.
"OHH, Peril this is fun. You didn't know it till now but you were born for one thing and one thing only, you were born to kill those who I desire to be killed." she answered back.
"But it's not fun, I can't seem to find anything fun about it. All it seems to do is terrify people of me and scare them all away." Peril said sadly.
"Don't that just suck, the only friend you need is me peril." Scarlet just answered back. "Now go to your room.
Peril just nodded sadly and left the throne room heading back for her room that had nothing inside of it for fear of it being burned out of existence from her destructive flame scales.
Miles away from the skywing palace in an unnamed mountain range in the skywing region
"All righty dragonets, today is the day we start training you to your destiny to end the war." said Dunes to the group of dragonets. The group consisted of a mudwing, seawing, nightwing, sandwing, and a rainwing. "Now, who can remind me of what you are supposed to do?" asked dunes.
"We are supposed to choose who we think is fit to be the sandwing queen and kill the other two." answered the nightwing.
"Correct Starflight, you are supposed to choose between the three dragons Burn, Blaze, and Blister." confirmed Dunes. "You will have to kill two of them and I can guarantee you if you have to fight Burn or Blister you would die if you just had a mediocre training regimen like a normal soldier would be trained with, so today we start you training at becoming a warrior, any questions?" he asked.
The mudwing quietly raised his paw up. "Who is going to be training us to fight?" the mudwing asked.
"To answer your question Clay, the answer is all of us, as the war is going on right now almost at any time you could become under attack by almost any tribe if they were orderd to attack you on sight. So, me, Webs, and Kestrell are all going to help you practice fighting so you can get a feel for how almost every tribe fight, but the dragon that is more than likely going to train you to fight the most is probably going to be Kestrell because she is the best out of all of us, she used to be one of queen Scarlets royal guards before she ran away from Scarlets tyrany and wicked ways." answered dunes.
Clay gulped in fear quickly glancing at the huge skywing standing in the corner. She scared him with how strong and big she was.
"Now, I am going to split all of you us so we can all get a feel on how well you fight." said Dunes.
"Please don't be Kestrel, please don't be Kestrel, please don't be Kestrel." quietly muttered Clay to himself.
"Clay you are getting Kestrell, Tsunami you are getting me, and Sunny you are getting Webs." said Dunes looking at each one as he called their names. "Glory, and Starflight go wait in the corner of the Caves and await your turns." Both of them nodded and headed for the corner, the rest headed for the adult dragons waiting for them.
Clay walked up in front of Kestrell and awaited instructions, Kestrell stood up and looked down on the mudwing " mudwing, I want you to remember one thing when I train you and one thing only when you attack, you were born for two main reasons, you were born to bring peace to this world and you were born to kill, remember that when you fight your enemies"
Little did she know those words would stick to his mind for almost his whole life

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