Power to the Bigwings

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As of right now, as I write this chapter, I am at 9,411 views. After I post this chapter, I should hit over 10,000 views. Thanks guys, it means a lot to me, if you would have told me a month before I started writing this fic, that I would have a wings of fire fanfiction that would have over ten thousand views, I would have called you crazy. And we are not stopping here, I plan to write this story till I easily have over one hundred thousand words. I also plan to have sequels. I already have a prequel to this story with Birth of Wings, that has my view on how dragons and much, much more became a thing in this world. I am still working on making my own music for this story, I have three different clean riffs, so now I am working on the rhythm parts, and then solos, looking forwards to that. Don't really have a song that fits to this chapter, because it's not really heart feeling, just storytelling. One finall thing before I start. Believe it or not, I have been doing a lot of planning. (How im going to bring in the jade winglet into this story, and how I am going to go about with the rain forest arc). Trust me... it was a pain, not knowing how to go about it and still getting content that I want to see. But, for all the major parts, my planning is done almost all the way up till the nightwing arc, the only part that is not planned at all is the ending arc, I got something HUGE for it, but I'm not sure how to go about it yet. That's all for the authors' notes, have fun, don't forget to tell me what you think about the story.

Clay and his friends were inside a fancy Guest house, one of the few in the Mud kingdom. Umber, and Crane talking to the group, talking about past experiences. "Ya, I still remember when Reed tried to capture an alligator for the first time, that's how he got those scratches on his tail!" Umber said laughing, everybody laughing with him. Clay smiled remembering how he got to know his blood sibling for the first time.

What! A flashback!

It didn't take long to find Cattail. The outer mudwing Kingdom wasn't very big, so just about everybody knew each other and where they lived at. Cattail was outside her hut, eating a small deer.

Cattail saw him and frowned, "If you want me to share this, then the answer is NO!"

"Loving personality," Clay thought to himself. "I am not here for that, is your name Cattail?"

She nodded, "Yes I am Cattail, who's asking?"

"My name is Clay, your son that you sold to the talons for a couple of cows" Clay answered.

"If they want those cows back, then the answer is no" she cut him off before he could say anything.

"No, that's not what I am here for, I just want to know who my sibs are?" Clay asked, patience thinning.

Cattail snorts at that, "Why didn't you just start with that, they are down the road a little ways, go past the next four huts, and their hut will be the first one on the left." After she was done talking, she went back to eating, not caring about the conversation anymore.

"Thanks..." Clay muttered, not impressed with how Cattail just doesn't care at all.

It was a pretty short walk, it didn't take too long to find the hut, but he wasn't expecting certain dragons to be there.

"Reed, Crane! What are you doing here!?" Clay asked, shocked at who was there.

"uhm, we live here, what are you doing here?" Reed asked back.

"You're never going to believe this!" Clay said excitedly.

End flashback!

"I swear when I am free, I am killing all of you!" Icicle yelled at them, tied down to the floor with some vines coming from the ground. Everybody just ignored her, used to her yelling at them. It was truthfully starting to get entertaining. "Why is she here again Clay?" Starflight asked him.

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