Resist and Bite

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As of 9/13/2022, wings of power is now over the one thousand view mark, I am a little proud of myself for making it to that mark, thank you for reading my story. Please comment and tell me what you think of this story. I am listening to Sabaton's Resist and Bite for this chapter.
Kestrel has done a lot in her life. Betray Scarlet, birth a dragonet of destiny, join the Talons of Peace, help raise the dragonets, and those are just a few examples. To say she has been around the block is an understatement. None of those prepared her for what she had just seen her thought-to-be dead daughter did to Scarlet.
Peril had just done something that she dreamed of doing almost on a weekly basis, she just watched Peril straight up remove Scarlet's ability to speak with her annoying voice for the rest of Scarlet's life... Heck ya.
Kestrel had wondered what her daughter would be like when she got to meet them for the first time, talk about one heck of a first impression.
"Umm, not that I am complaining or anything but, why did you do that to Scarlet?" Asked Clay confused on the sight that laid before him.
"I just now found out that she had been lying to me to my whole life." Explained Peril "let me properly introduce myself, my name is Peril, ex-champion of Scarlet, now traitor, and supposedly Dragonet of Destiny, trust me... it was a shock when I learned all this just a little bit ago and I can understand why you wouldn't believe me." Peril finished frowning.
"Trust us, it was a big shock to learn you were still alive, we were told that you were dead because the dragon that tried to take you to us got captured." Tsunami said.
"Scarlet just said that to me a little bit ago actually, she said some ice wing tried to kidnap me." Peril explained. "In my opinion, Scarlet war stupid for keeping me, a dragonet of destiny alive just so she could have her fun."
"In the end, it didn't turn out for her did it." Kestrel said looking down at Scarlet's downed body.
"No, I guess it didn't did it." Peril said jokingly, she was suddenly confused. "Wait a minute... how did you get in here the guards would never even let you into the city let alone into the throne room."
Tsunami got a grin on her face "We fought are way into here."
Peril started to laugh in disbelief "You, there are only three of you there is no way you could have ever beaten all the guards." Peril stopped laughing and suddenly looked serious. "No seriously... how did you get in here, there would have been like... I don't know about twenty guards guarding the palace."
"As I said, we fought our way into here... it was actually quite easy." Tsunami answered back.
Kestrel snorted at that "enough of this, let's introduce ourselves then we can get out of here."
Clay started with a smile looking at Peril with a smile realizing that she might be a good friend like all his other friends that he grew up with. "Hello my name is Clay it is nice to meet you" he said still smiling.
"And my name is Tsunami." She raised her hand to greet the skywing but Peril quickly backed up. Tsunami frowned at this wondering if she did something wrong.
"Sorry, I don't want to hurt you, don't forget that I have fire scales." Peril explained. "If I just barely graze you, I could possibly kill you by accident."
Tsunamis eyes doubled in size realizing what had almost happened. Sunny wasn't here right now to heal any wounds she might get. She almost lost her hand right there with that little mistake. "Thanks" Tsunami muttered thankful for the warning.
"And that leaves me, my name is Kestrel" she said while smiling, excited for this moment.
"What are you smiling for?" Peril asked confused why Kestrel was smiling.
"Do you... do you know who I am Peril?" Kestrel said with her smile fading.
"No, I do not, am I supposed to?" Peril answered confused at what Kestrel meant.
"Well, no, but yes you were supposed to." Kestrel said a little sadly. "You may not believe me Peril... but you are my daughter."
To say that Peril was shocked would be an understatement. In her whole life, the thought of a family was almost unthinkable to her with how she lived. And now here was her mother that came to her. She was suddenly angry.
"What do you mean... you're my mother." Peril said angrily. "If you were why would you leave me to scarlet."
Kestrel was hurt at this. "I didn't want to leave you, Scarlet had found out I was about ready to leave the Skywings and she kicked me out before I could get you."
They were cut off from their conversation by people yelling down the hallway angrily.
"I don't want to cut off you heart-felt reunion but we got company!" Tsunami said annoyed at the incoming guards.
The guards were almost to the throne room doors but then Clay jumped up and slammed into the ground right Infront of the guards. Him slamming the ground and using his powers at the same exact time caused a shockwave of rock that flew the guards back almost 40 feet.
"Let's go we got to get out of here!" Clay yelled. They all quickly ran out of the throne room.
"So that is how you fought your way in here, you can control an element like I can!" Peril said surprised.
They were running by the guards when one of the guards caught a glimpse at who was running past him. "YOU! traitor I always knew you were going to be a traitor DEAMON!"
Peril stopped and was angry. "I was never loyal in the first place, the only reason I did what I did to dragons was because I was forced to then, now... I am free to do what I want." Peril kept on running after that.
They all made it to the entrance and launched off towards home. Clay looked back. "I hope that Glory, Starflight, and Sunny are doing good."
"I'm sure they are fine, if one of them gets hurt it's not like Sunny couldn't just heal them anyway." Tsunami said confidently.
"Ya, I guess you are right..." Clay answered back.
With Glory's group
Starflight was standing Infront of about twenty Skywing guards who were all frozen and tied up with vines wrapped around them. Starflight was waiting patiently for Glory, and Sunny to get the king of the Seawings out of the dungeons.
Starflight looked at all the skywings who were frozen by his shadow powers. "You guys are all stupid, the moment we start making a racket all of you guys come running out of the prisons to see what was going on and you all get captured... you guards suck." Starflight said bored at the fact that this mission was stupidly easy.
All the guards gave him a death glare but remained silent at the fact that he was right. Their pride was shattered.
Starflight thoughts were cut off when he saw Glory and Sunny come up out of the ground with two seawings who looked a little beaten up but not too bad.
"May I ask which one of you is king Gill?" Starflight asked politely.
"That would be me." answered the Light green Seawing.
Starflight immediately bowed to him. "It is an honor to meet you, your majesty." Starflight said respecting the King.
"You don't see that every day, a nightwing that knows how to be respectful. You have my greatest thanks, your friends already introduced themselves." Gill said respectfully. "I know you are the dragonets of destiny, what is your name?"
"My name is Starflight." Starflight answered getting back up from his bow and smiling at how polite the King was being.
"It's nice to meet you Starflight of the Dragonets of Destiny." Gill said smiling back.
"All right enough with this, the mission is not done yet let's get out of here and head home." Glory said while running for the exit.
They all quickly made their way out of the palace and launched for home.
Back with Clay group.
It took them about five hours to make it back to the cave and they all went inside.
"Looks like we made it back before them." said Tsunami snorting in amusement.
Peril and Kestrel went to a different room more than likely so they can catch up with each other on what has been going on with their life's.
Clay just looked at them leaving with a smile feeling good at what their mission accomplished, they brought Kestrel some happiness in her life and brought her daughter back.
Webs came bursting into the room in a panic to see who had opened the door. The moment he saw it was just them he was relived. "Oh, it's just you guys, where have you been?"
"We were just saving the king of the Seawings was all" Tsunami said casually with a grin on her face.
"What do you mean you were saving the king of the-" Gill was cut off when the Boulder was starting to open again at the entrance of the cave.
The moment the king laid eyes on Webs he was pissed. "You!" Gill yelled as he spotted Webs.
Webs eyes widened in fear when he saw the pissed of Gill running at him at full speed.
"Oh shi-" Webs was cut off again when Gill tackled him into the ground.
Gill didn't get too far with mauling Webs because he was thrown off of him by Clay.
Gill was about to pounce on the one who threw him but froze in his tracks once he saw the mudwing. Clay wasn't fully an adult yet but mudwings are naturally a large species, especially the bigwings of a group. Clay was easily a few feet taller than Gill. Especially stronger.
Gill was cut off on his intimidated thoughts when he spotted Tsunami, He was less focused on the fact that there was another seawing here, he was more focused on the pattern that was on her wings.
Gills gaze quickly returned back to Webs remembering what he had done. "He kept her alive... my daughter is still alive."
He started to shuffle his way over to Tsunami and grabbed her in a hug shocking her. She was even more shocked when she started to hear him sob and start muttering "Your alive" over and over again. She was starting to become uncomfortable but tried to remain respectful for the king.
Everybody else in the cave was looking at her and Gill confused, except for Webs who just looked guilty.
Gill quickly pulled himself together and backed up to get another look at Tsunami. "You look just like her, don't you?" Gill said with a smile.
"Look like who exactly?" Tsunami said even more confused now at the king's words.
"You should know but sadly that traitor over there didn't even bother to tell you who your parents were." Gill said in fury at Webs who was still looking down guilty.
"Who are my parents?" Tsunami asked worried to know at what might have happened to them.
Gill looked her right in the face with a sad smile. "You... are the daughter of my wife queen Coral."
Tsunami just got a shock of her life, not to say that she wasn't happy. She quickly hugged Gill and let go and looked at him in wonder. "How... how can you be shore that I am your daughter, not that I don't believe you but... how can you be shore?"
Gill gave her an honest answer that proved everything. "I know you are because we let Webs guard the royal hatchery and he was reported missing that same day with a missing egg, your egg to be exact, also you have the royal markings on your wing, only a prince, princess, or queen can have the markings that you have."
Tsunami gave Gill an even longer hug with a big smile on her face so happy that she got to find out who her parents were.
Gills eyes met Peril and he was suddenly terrified. He backed up to the opposite side of the room while letting go of Tsunami. "YOU LET THAT THING IN HERE!" he yelled.
Peril looked down in guilt and muttered she was sorry. Clay suddenly got defensive in Peril's defense. "Don't you call her a thing, she has done nothing wrong to you."
Gill was pissed at what Clay had said. "She killed all my guards, they didn't even stand a chance she killed almost all of them in just a few minutes before they even got to fight back." Gill said while still staring terrified at Peril. "She is the reason I was caught in the first place, the only one of my royal guards who made it out alive is poor Snail over there.
Snail was still standing near the entrance trying to not look shocked, wonder, and in fear all at the exact time at all the revelations happening around Her.
Clay looked at Peril in shock at first but seeing her guilty expression, his resolve hardened and he looked back at Gill. "Peril has been nothing but kind and trustworthy since I met her, it is not her fault that she was controlled by Scarlet to do terrible things." Clay said finishing his defense.
Peril gave him a look of wonder. Nobody has ever truly shown kindness and went to her defense, till now.
"You can trust her all you want but I will not." Gill said firmly.
"Whatever you say king Gill but I will let you know now, she is a dragonet of destiny and she will be guarding you till we get you home." Clay said.
Gill looked back at Peril, who was still looking at Clay with a blush on her face. Gill knew that look "jeez that was quick, she is already smitten with him." Gill quickly shook his head to regain his focus. He wasn't stupid, he was starting to realize why Scarlet had such a dragon under control at one point.
He saw how powerful the Dragonets of Destiny were when they were escaping the Skywing capital. He also saw how powerful Peril was. He was starting to feel bad about how bad he was treating Peril.
Gill looked at Peril and sighed. "Look... I am not forgiving you, but I am giving you a second chance to gain my trust."
Peril gave him a look of thanks while slightly smiling. "Thank you, your majesty."
Gill suddenly got a focused look on his face. "Speaking of returning home... when are we leaving. My wife has more than likely by now, got word of my capture."
Kestrel suddenly coughed to gain everybody's attention. "And this is where I come in and congratulate you but have to inform you all dragonets of something."
"Your mission in not over yet and I think this is going to be a goodbye." Kestrel said waiting for a response she knew was coming from her daughter.
"What do you mean goodbye? I just got to meet you for the first time." Peril said upset.
"Don't worry Peril, I want to get to know my daughter... but after you end the war so we can get to know another without interruption." Kestrel said with a small smile.
Peril got a determined look on her face. "Then I will end the war as fast as I can."
"Now that is more like it!" Kestrel said "Dragonets... I think you already know the mission."
Everybody nodded their heads knowing what she was going to say. They were ready.
"Go and bring the king home... AND END THIS WAR ONCE AND FOR ALL!" Kestrell yelled her final order to the dragonets.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I would like it if you comment on my fix.

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