Civil war part three

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Welcome back everyone for the new chapter, the final chapter of the civil war ark. I recommend listening to Metallica and the San Fransisco orchestra's "Battery". It fits this perfectly.

And I am going to say this again, and probably another hundred times. Please make accounts so I can respond to you. I hate that I can't when you're just using a guest account.

The sun was rising over the mountains of the Sky Kingdom, illuminating Ruby's palace and waking the Kingdom below.

Scarlet's forces were already awake, they knew that Ruby should be pushing the stronghold any day now.

The soldiers were quietly guarding the stronghold walls, looking into the air around them, waiting for an army to appear.

What he was not expecting was for only three dragons to be flying toward them.

Surely this wasn't the invading force, only three dragons strong? They didn't even look like they were adults yet. And is that a RainWing? It was hard to tell, they were flying in the sight of the sun.

The guard looked to his commander on the wall with a questioning look. "Kill them, Scarlet told us to kill anybody that wasn't with us," The commander ordered.

The guard flew up to intercept the dragons, thinking this would be easy with them not even being adults yet.

Finally getting out of the sun's rays, he could see properly who the dragonets were. His eyes growing wide in fear, "I am going to need backup!"

With Tsunami's group

Tsunami was currently hovering over Scarlet's encampment in the woods. She was out of sight from them hovering in the clouds.

Tsunami looks over the group, "We are going to start out with a hit and run, I want all of us to hit them hard before they are ready!"

Tsunami makes the clouds form together tightly, making it start to slowly rain till it forms into a hard rain, eventually hearing thunder.

Smiling to herself, she looks back to the group and gives them a nod. Diving to the ground and bringing a pond size of water behind her. Smashing it right into the middle of the camp.

In the city

Starflight, Sunny, and Icicle were making their way through the houses and buildings in the city. Looking all around them for hostile looking SkyWings.

Starflight's head jerked to the east when he heard a small explosion.

"Looks like the raid started, that must have been Tsunami's group," Starflight said smiling.

Starflight looked at the three dragons that were following him, "We need to split up, me and Sunny will take the right side of the city, Icicle and Turtle will take the left," Starflight ordered.

Icicle immediately started to head left but was cut off by Starflight giving her a stern look.

"And Icicle... no killing anybody," Starflight said, deadly serious.

Icicle just scoffed at him and continued on her way, "Sure Nightwing, I won't harm anyone,"

Clay was currently fighting three different SkyWings, blocking two of them that were trying to claw him with an armored arm that he covered in rocks, and holding down a third SkyWing that he was currently trying to knock out.

Finally being able to throw the two Skywings that were on him, he swiftly knocked out the SkyWing below him and Peril blocked the SkyWings from charging again.

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