Chapter 1: Beginnings

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June 17th 2017, a boy was running away in the forest, he was afraid of something while running away... He found a shortcut way which lead to a cave, a cave he hides himself in... Meanwhile outside, atleast 9 man with some kind of weapons have been chasing him, but they looked confused and mad, they were talking how they lost the boy... Soon they continued their search for another 6 hours... After only 30 minutes, the boy left the cave and ran off to find SOMEONE to help...

6 years later... June 17th 2023, we see another boy walking down the street with his backpack, guess he had a rough day at school again, the hero course must've been tough this time around especially since it is June, the last month before the summer vacation. Now let us introduce him properly...

Name: Vladislav Vans

Age: 17

Manifestation: Energy Manipulation

Manifestation's inforamtion: The ability allows the user to manipulate any type of energy, including life energy, any electricity, magma energy, heat energy & etc. However it is very limited power to the user, since their stamina is being drained faster.

The boy was thinking about how tough & harder the classes have gotten this month and how tougher & harder they will be till the end of the hero course. As he was walking down he stopped by a store to get some chocolate, he entered the store and then he went to the sugary sweet aisle and found 3 chocolate bars as he was thinking how his girlfriend kept stealing his chocolate, he took all 3 chocolate bars and went to the cashier with the following short conversation.

Cashier: Oh hello there, Vlad Vans, you rarerly come here... What brings you here?

Then vlad responded with: "You see sir, I am here to buy those 3 chocolate bars, how much would that cost?"

Then the cashier looks at the chocolate bars... In a odd response...

Cashier: Well that would be free, the store pays up.

Vlad: Oh, neat.

Then Vlad Vans walked away and got outside of the store with 3 chocolate bars in a plastic bag and he continued walking down the streat, Vlad and his family lived in New York, the place he lives is the Vans Mansion located somewhere in New York. He arrived at the gates of the mansion being greeted by the guard of the gate, then the big gate opens and vlad walks down the path getting to the main entrance and opening the door to see a girl who is 2 years older then him... 

Name: Elaina Vans

Age: 19

Information: She is a half-breed (demon & human) and she possess both of her parents powers, she can turn into a monster while also using the Three Claw knuckle and she can transform using Demonification

Manifestation (1):  Three Claw Knuckle

Manifestation (1) Information:  her powers are to grow three claw knuckle like spikes on her hands, she use them to fight hand on hand or to shoot flame slashes at her enemies, when she's demonificadet her powers are five time stronger, disadvantage is that they are close range type of power.

Manifestation (2): Monster

Manifestation (2) Information: her power is to turn into a monster like beast with big horns and hard skin than is tankproff and to crate a energy blast breath called the "Vans Cannon"

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