Chapter 127: Gem in the left eye I [A Devil's Stone Arc]

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At the sameday as Ruby was saved by a stranger and the Knife Devil Host's defeat, Asa was watching it through the roof, the whole fight after catching glance on Ruby against that stranger.

Asa: No way, s-she is a fiend...

Yoru (Sending waves in Asa's mind): Yeah and that stranger saved her, he sure was able to defeat that devil host with ease, he was strong, but the stranger defeated him like that.

Asa: Ruby looked so shocked when she saw his face, what is so special for that stranger?

Yoru (Sending waves in Asa's mind): Could he be someone known? No idea, but he seems capable enough to take down a devil host and a devil as it seems, but no idea how HELL will rank that man.

Asa sighs.

Asa: Let us get out of here before Ruby spots us.

Asa turns and runs over away as Ruby faces the direction only to see a girl running away.

Ruby (Thinking to herself): W-Who was that? Was she watching me the whole time?

And so on, a day passes and the pov was at the trio at the warehouse with a laptop and the usb on it and they all scrolled through the folder of devil records.

Pink Devil: Good thing those sisters know their place, if they did not, then we would've gotten rid of them as they serve no use.

The Man: You want to lose this body too, bitch?

Pink Devil: ...No sir...

The Pink Devil shakes a bit and takes a step back grabbing a DDLC Natsuki plush and holding it.

The Man: Anyway, Mr. Kishida said that the USB should contain some way to defeat the War Devil with the intent to kill Asa too, but we have to check it out.

As the Man scrolled through the respective devil folders, he finally found the War Devil's folder and opened it and then found the txt file (notepad) and opened it which was labled as "How to kill/seal the War Devil.txt" and both Diara and the Pink Devil are unsurprised about the seal method, it is very simple, but hard for the trapped to ever escape.

But for the killing:


1. Lure Asa to an abandoned/closed location at night time.

2. Use a manifestation of hypnosis or some other way to hypnosis her.

3, Command her to drop on her knees.

4. Grab the anti-devil bullets and use it and load a gun.

5. Aim it at her.

6(a). This fails as she breaks loose once Yoru takes control, only for her to be killed by a sniper with those bullets.

6(b). It was successful, Asa was executed under hypnosis before Yoru could take control killing her in effect, taking the death stone as well.

This plan is not 100% approved nor effective at 100% as it would take something more to lure her let alone stand still for a minute or 30 seconds!


Diara and the Pink Devil are surprsied by this plan, Diara recalls that is how one of her friends was lured and executed by the Adumfor Government 1003 years ago and the Pink Devil recalls how the Russian Government tried that on her in 1997 and how Makima tried the same thing on her later the same year, but both backfired.

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