Chapter 130: Upcoming Vidin Event [A Devil's Stone Arc]

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As the planning continues, 2 days after Tatsumaki returned with Fubuki back to Plovdiv in Vidin a lonely Maria sits on a bar table drinking Coca Cola while scrolling through her phone.

Maria (Thinking to herself): Ever since Lubo died for real this time... I could never give him that manga he wanted, nor even tell him about that Battle Royale in Vidin.

Maria sighs as she looks up to see Viki sitting next to her.

Viki: Oh, knew I was gonna find you here, recently you have been drinking yourself with Cola. Let me guess, that dork's death really got you too?

Maria: Yeah, I'm gonna be real with you, wasn't he the biggest dork of our class and suddenly was one of the best heroes the world got?

Maria smiles.

Viki: Of course, never thought that manifestationless idiot would have a late awakening... I'm gonna be real, you were thinking a lot of him back then and now, it's almost as if you knew that he was gonna become a hero.

Maria: Of course... Totally...

Maria looks away.

Maria (Thinking to herself): Of course after his death, the first thing I saw in Plovdiv was his family and... A wanted person named Mina Anderson, but another surprise was that Lubo had a letter for me which...

Viki: Also, did you know the anti-hero Mason has been spotted recently saving people, but at the sametime killing a villain? Yeah the governments of the world sure do not approve of killing.

Maria: Yeah, I do not get it really as much at first I thought the Anti-heroes were just another group of villains, but as the world advanced it is understandable they are heroes without our limitations, heroes who... Yeah they just do it for the wrong reasons or something like that.

Viki then looked at her as she was confused and then thinks as she looks down to see a letter...

Viki: You know, when you told me you got a letter from Lubo, I did not believe it, but I see it on the table, what does it say?

Maria: W-Well...

Maria grabs the note and carefully puts it in her bag.

Maria: It's something for me, not something I should share around.

Viki: Oh, so you wanna keep a secret from your best friend? Surprisingly, it is cute, did he finally ask you out or something or is it something like a final message for you?

Maria drinks her Coca Cola.

Viki: Maria, I will figure it out eventually heh...

Viki chuckles.

Viki: Anwyay, did you hear our old teacher is gonna be at the Battle Royale as a challenger, the one from 4th grade?

Maria: Oh right, she did talk about that event back in the day when we asked her.

Viki: Hope we can ring her out fast, heard her manifestation allows her to control others for a period of 1 minute and needing 15 minutes to use again.

Body Control manifestation is one of the powerful ones for the control.

Maria: Either way, Vlad is coming back to Vidin too, cannot wait to see whether he compete with us or the Nikolov family.

Viki: I know for sure his old family is still thinking he is a traitor, maybe they will bond over the Battle Royale.

As it is, another one of their old classmates was listening in, Alexandra with Vladimir on another table and they were surprised to hear that most of the class is gonna be back, yet only Alexandra wonders why Maria talks about Lubo again earlier...

End of Chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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