Chapter 48: The Devil Council

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This council is the council founded by the Fear Devil & 12 other devils as a power balance with the Seraphim council.


1. Fear Devil

2. Darkness Devil 

3. Gun Devil

4. Doll Devil

5. War Devil

6. Hell Devil

7. Bomb Devil

8. Knife Devil

9. Future Devil

10. Justice Devil

11. Punishment Devil

12. Chaos Devil

13. Curse Devil


Monster devil stood in front of the council.

Curse Devil: I know we all are supposed to be here out of our hosts and stuff just cause we are dragged down here by the Fear Devil, but... WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU FAILED TO GET THE FUCKING BODY OF THAT YOUNG GIRL?!

Curse Devil was mad.

Knife Devil: While I may have a host, I must say you disappoint me and since we organize these meetings every month. Tell me, who stopped you?

Monster Devil: UltraX Ivanov. He seems to have a manifestation.

War Devil: Ah jeez, that guy again...

War devil sounded annoyed.

War Devil: He has been going around the devil businesses for a while, with the control devil being temporarily kicked from the council and being hunted by Chainsaw Devil & of course the law and then again... This guy appears quite a lot. Other weaker devils said the same name when they were asked who defeated them.

Darkness Devil: He is probably weak, I mean we are the council and if he becomes more trouble. We will just take him out easily with one go so do not worry.

War devil sighs.

Doll Devil: Within the chances of the monster devil, a top 20 being beaten that means he has to be demoted out of the ranking or go 1 below.

Knife Devil: Basically, from 15th to 16th and that means 15th place will be taken by the Octopus Devil and Monster Devil becomes 16th place in top 20.

Gun Devil: Well that is over, now what do we do for the Time Devil issue?

He asked as the Monster Devil was sended away.

Bomb Devil: We will find him eventually.

Punishment Devil: We will punish him for joining up with that Maestro guy.

Hell Devil: And we will banish him to the depths of hell with the disappointing devils that were send there for ruining our reputation.

Future devil and Fear Devil just sigh.

Justice Devil: Well we must first deal with the minor issues or else these minor issues will become the biggest threat to our council's existence.

Fear Devil: Of course, even though I'm not going after humans like you... Our council has to remain for the power balance with the Seraphim council. If our council falls, the Seraphims will rule the world and do some drastic choices and interfere with world order as it is. Some of these Seraphims may be very interested in training mortals, we have seen a guy named Elijah Kanomato being trained and we cannot do anything against it cause we are currently being weaken by the humans.

Darkness Devil: Huh, so his name is Elijah eh?

Fear Devil: Mhm, he was a weakling... He wasn't strong, but he wasn't a fighter. With their training he gained a sudden boost that is forbidden to give and the High Council has not responded to it meaning that they are currently dealing with other issues.

Fear Devil sips his tea.

Gun Devil; That also means... Since they have been quiet for 200 years, 200 years from when the Time Devil left us for that Maestro fucker... That means our council is allowed to do such methods too since I believe the High Council may be isolating themselves from the world.

War Devil: Knowing that for fact, since the devil attacks became bigger, more powerful and faster... It just means that the High Council's seals are becoming weak.

Curse Devil: Which means the seal for Nyan, the immortal demon... The one with the time manipulation in the High Council with help of the Adumfor king from 1400 years ago is truly gonna break itself soon.

Curse Devil sounded a bit worried about it.

Hell Devil: That guy, Nyan... He avoided the fate of death somehow... I'm truly pissed off by how he did it and why he did it.

Justice Devil: Yeah, the issue of Nyan is big... If that is the case we might have to delay our plans even further as we might have to help the other demons and the humans to seal him away again if he breaks.

War Devil: He was sealed somewhere in China and since my new body is in Japan... I might have to do the dirty work for that if he ever breaks free.

The council's worries and goals currently are focusing on the Nyan objective and the minor issues that happen to slow the council's real goals, or atleast the others without the Fear Devil since it seems that once one issue is resolved, there is another one that takes its place.

End of Chapter

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