Chapter 14: The Spanish Arc

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It has been 3 hours, Elaina Vans and Vladislav Nikolov's airplane has finally arrived at the airport and both of em got out of it with their luggage.

Elaina: Spain, Europe's best country. Jeez I wish we had mission for Adumfor but eh...

Both of em walked out of the airport couple minutes later and took a taxi all the way to the government building to meet the prime-minister, both got out of the taxi after paying and waited outside the government building.

15 minutes later, a man officially dresseed comes out with 2 guards...

The Man: Oh, Vladislav and Elaina... You have finally arrived.

Name: Pedro Sanchez

Age: 50

Information: The Prime-minister of Spain since 2018, Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón was born in 1972 in to a well-off family, son to Pedro Sánchez Fernández and of course, Magdalena Pérez-Castejón. Pedro currently is under heat due to a coup against him and he is worried for his family as of now.

Manifestation: None

Pedro: Welcome to Spain, hope you enjoy your stay.

Elaina and Vlad: Thanks for welcoming us, Mr. Sanchez.

Vlad & Elaina seemed happy to be here, despite the mission being dangerous.

Elaina: We heard you had a problem with a devil so we came by, wassup?

Pedro breaths in and out.

Pedro: If you have heard, yes the recent coup against me is... Scaring me & the people. It was called the Political Devil, however his grip of control on me seemed weak... I want you both to find it and eliminate it before they cause a second coup.

Vlad breaths in and out.

Vlad: Do not worry sir, we got this in the back!

He sounded more confident then he was during the Garou fight, Elaina seemed to blush a bit and look away as Pedro was impressed.

Pedro: Confident kid, I respect that. Ok, the last time the political devil was seen is around Madrid, but I suspect they moved to Barcelona, maybe go check there.

Vlad: Alright, Mr. Sanchez.

A couple of hours later, Vlad & Elaina arrived in Barcelona, in a couple more minutes they got to a hotel and got a room and put their luggage there and both sit down on a table.

Elaina: Ok, we are here in Barcelona, what is the plan to find that devil?

Vlad: Well we will start looking in political places, the mayor's house or office and anywhere else in this city, if we do not find em, we will go back to Madrid. Simple.

Elaina: Ok...

Elaina looked at Vlad with a bit of confusion.

Vlad: But for now we could rest.

Elaina: in b-

Vlad: No!

Elaina: aww...

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