Chapter 61: The two sisters

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The Ivanov family and Mina eat their lunch, enjoying the day...

However, days pass and the clock ticks as it turns out the time for Mina to face her sister has come and yet the training is still not complete...

Mina and X were infront of the Anderson Mansion... It has been sometime since things were this quiet, of course they do notice that Mina's father, mother and to no one's surprise, Yurika. Mina and UltraX walked forward and Ultra goes to the side as Mina stops standing infront of Yurika.

Mina: So the time has come, sister...

Yurika: Of course, it has... Finally...

Of course the parents...

Name: Fredrick Anderson

Age: 43

Information: Going down from generations as the Anderson who shall carry his family... It's noticeable that he is a man who puts traditional family activities and continues them... Fredrick also is a swordsmith and when he is not a hero, he likes to make swords.

Manifestation 1: Danger Sense

Manifestation 2: Inner Spirit

Manifestation Information 1: Danger sense allows her to sense any danger, such as upcoming enemy attack, counter-attack or possible victims of the enemy. This is similar to the search manifestation except it is only used as a way to predict and dodge in a dangerous situation.

Manifestation Information 2: A manifestation that allowed the user to use their inner spirit an astral, supernatural and conscious being of spiritual power that dwells within them. This spiritual being exists as a literal extension of the user's spiritual self as an essential aspect of themselves and their very existence, acting as the core of their soul. This soul-based entity can empower users with supernatural forces that grant them spiritual powers that synchronizes with the user and the entity as if they were one being. Depending on the nature of the spirit, users can gain different powers based on said spirit that comes from either the users' nature or a foreign origin that comes from somewhere else.

Fredrick was a traditionalist, he knew of the Inimical clan and it's brutal tradition of fighting over lovers.

Name: Jessana Anderson

Age: 46

Information: The mother of Mina & Yurika who is rather softer than her husband. Her real last name before marriage used to be Nakona. She is not born as a Inimical, but she is aware of that clan.

Manifestation: Invisibility

Manifestation Information: This power allows the user to turn themself invisible alongside anything they wear as clothing or objects and weapons in general, they can also turn someone else invisible by holding them, but also can turn em invisible by touching em, however the touch grants the user's friend only temporary invisibility, the drawback of this power is that the longer the user stays invisible, the higher chance they will lose consciousness and pass out which will make em visible again afterwards.

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