Chapter 8: The New York Arc

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New York was tighten up harder on the heroes security as announcement was made by Faraz that Garou is inside New York and he shouldn't be let out of here. Vlad, Elaina and other heroes in New York were keeping eye sockets.

Faraz since he announced the heroes to be on high alert, they were all patrolling and watching if Garou appears, it was interesting. How did so many heroes from different states got here so fast, even Cassandra Blaine herself. Today was the day, Garou hunt is continuing.

Faraz has also warned another hero who is in New York, UltraX Ivanov is already aware of the situation.

UltraX & Mina were together in secret, they stay seperated... However they keep a close contact with each other though discord or sms, they are careful with em, as said... UltraX was walking the streets keeping himself with the normal citizens and looking for Garou, as he was talking with an unfamiliar face.

UltraX: Oh... I never got to ask you... What is your name, comrade?

Boy (Pro-Hero): Well...

The boy then proceeds to introduce himself.

Name: Felton

Age:  24

Information: He is one of the high ranks in New York city and a bad influence of a hero for some reason. His last name remains unknown at the moment.

Manifestation: Fire Breathing

Manifesation Information: Fire breathing is another time of fire power, it can be used only from the mouth, however the drawback is that the user has a weaker control over it and can easily kill someone by accident, other drawback is that if the user uses it for too long they may collapse after long usage.

Felton: Well hope my name is enough to cut it out for you, also my Manifesation is Fire breathing, however I cannot control it properly when using it.

Then Ultra quickly takes a look at his mask.

UltraX: And this mask is for you to be abel to use it easily, but very limited?

Felton: Correct. My parents advised me to wear that mask after I moved out. They said it will help me to control my fire breathing and I may even be able to control it without the mask in the near future, I just hope my training ain't for nothing.

Felton seemed like a pretty chill dude, however his bad influence of a hero status sure makes people just look the other way around and act like he is some stranger instead of a pro-hero. Ultra on the other had was a pro-hero with bigger influence, but he was treated differently then Felton, for some reason those 2 dummies have some issues on their end of the line.

UltraX: So has any of the other heroes encountered Garou?

Felton: Currently besides Elijah Kanomato, Yurika Anderson and that 2nd year who is becoming a 3rd year, nope. However I only been suspecting some spots in the city for Garou and where he could be by the time we are patrolling, I was hoping we find him first.

UltraX looks away as he was thinking about Garou and how much will he offer as a fight. Meanwhile, Elaina & Vlad were also patrolling on their side of New York, looking for Garou as of today... Vlad was using his energy manipulation in an interesting way, Elaina looks at Vlad.

Elaina: What are you doing?

Vlad then looks at Elaina.

Vlad: Oh I been using my powers lately, since my advice since the patrol test is train em and find more usage for them instead of fighting only, so I decided to try out the life energy... The one thing I cannot use for fighting at the moment, I decided to turn it into a life detection move, in a way I can feel the life energy of others, every life energy is different and the same in a way. So my new trick is life detection, it drains my stamina double the regular however if I use it more then 3 times it will start to hurt me from the inside and I may pass out.

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