Chapter 11: The Kanomato bloodline.

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The Kanomato family is a long outstanding one, they lived though generations of generations... Been there since the start of those manifestation appearing around the globe. In a society with 70% power, of course the top 20 families... Kanomatos rank at spot 14 this year...

Elijah Kanomato was one of the strongest in his family, or so we though... His father is sick and in the hospital for 3 years now, his mother has been a busy woman and did not have much time for him, his older sister, Rayoma is also busy, leaving him alone for a lot of time.

As the Garou situation was happening, Elijah found himself in a place where a council of seraphims were training him... However his training was going from pain to more pain as he was trying his best to become stronger, he managed to pass S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 and S6's trainings as of currently, however S7 will proof to keep him for a while.

In the meantime, in a airplane... A girl which looked like she was 28 years old.

Girl: This plane is leading to the best place to be at, Adumfor... The island of our allies... The demons, they are so cool, right Rayoma?

Rayoma: Yeah... It's cool...

Rayoma Kanomato was also visiting cause of other reasons, she had an old friend on the island... That old friend is also a somewhat enemy of her younger brother.

After 45 minutes, they arrived at the island and got off the plane. Rayoma and the girl then saw a person who looked like a chinese in a way, he seems to be familiar... Rayoma and the girl walked up to him and decided to chat with him after he was done, he noticed both of the girls and decided to talk to them and give em a tour in Adumfor.

Couple of minutes later, Rayoma has set herself in with her friend at the place for tourists not far from the airport, both of em had seperate rooms.

Rayoma: Finally arriving at Adumfor, feels nice eh? ...

Rayoma: Yeah, I sure miss seeing my little brother and mom and dad... But eh I came here to eliminate that shinobi wanted bitch, hope it is quick.

Rayoma was one of the few anti-heroes hunters, obviously she was on Mina's case back after her escape, however Rayoma changed her case to an unofficial anti-hero in the island of Demons. After Rayoma set herself up, she grabbed her gear and gone outside walking around the outskirts of the demon town into the forest.

Couple of weeks later, Elijah's training continues on with S13 being the last one left... Elijah was standing in his fighting pose as S13 throw a meteor which Elijah dodged quickly.

Elijah: W-What kind of twisted bullshit is this?!

S13 laughs.

S13: It is called training for the tough for a reason... Honestly you are a fun one to train.

And the training continues. While Rayoma was a busy anti-hero hunter and Elijah was a pro-hero at the age of 17, his mother was working down as a pro-hero too somewhere in Japan while his father retired, but is sick. In order for Kanomato family's old man to recover and get out of the hospital, they must pay the debt they owe to the hospital for the 3 year "free" treatment.

A Family that was in debt for 3 years by the hospital and in debt by the hero organizations for the villain getaway back in 2009. Even though they lived good, it is only because of the balance and the fact they are able to pay back for the month...

Hospital debt: 50000$ (as of 2023)

Villain getaway (2009 drama): 1950000$

Villain getaway, many heroes got sanctioned and ruined to repay that debt, however Kanomatos were one of the few families who could never repay it at the end of 2009, so their deathline was extended to the end of 2023, consequences of that Villain getaway were fatal for all heroes.

End of Chapter 11

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