Chapter 88: Viki and Lubo III [Adumfor Arc II]

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This is a chapter that could be considered fillar by many, but it is as important as the rest of the story in this series thingy or whatever.


It has been a long time since the Vidin incident and Viki sat at the bar, serving drinks to people as it is her life has been getting a little better, even without manifestation. She felt normal, like a citizen. She hated and liked the feeling at the same time.

But then again, she felt lonely in a sense. However, someone took a seat.

Viki: The bar is closing, you need-

But she stopped talking as she noticed who it was, It was UltraX.

Viki: Oh, it's you.

UltraX: Hey there Viki, so how you handling yourself? I know I'm late to your pity party about your new more relaxed job and all.

Viki: By 6 months...

Ultra looks away nervous.

Viki: Anyways, what do you want for a drink?

UltraX: Nothing really, just came in to discuss some details with you.

Viki: Details?

Ultra sighs.

UltraX: You really are the same, but the details are regarding Vladislav Nikolov. He was saved by the Vans, but granted a citizenship in the United States of America.

Viki was surprised, but she had to listen more.

UltraX: However, it doesn't seem good in the condition he was found. He seemed to be in some sort of facility for re-education of sorts belonging to some company which later revealed innocent as they never had the money to afford such a place.

Viki: H-Huh, re-education facility?

UltraX: Yeah, whoever was running it was teaching the people there some dangerous, villianous, selfish and other acts that only benefit the people who taught them. I don't know what their end goal is, but for certain it is not good.

Viki then looks away a bit sad.

UltraX: I'm glad he is okay though, I wouldn't want him to be a broken soul roaming the world of the living with the same motives as them.

Even though these news were only present today, they were actually happening 2 years ago and of course even Ultra was unaware that the Vans took him in up until now.

Viki: Well, same. However, how do you even know him and how did you meet him?

Ultra chuckles and then begins to explain to her.

End of Chapter

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