Chapter 120: Japan, Asa's home [A Devil's Stone Arc]

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Asa Mitaka or so known the War devil is seen to kill one of the bullies from her past with a single shot as his muffled screams went silent and she gets off from his nice now emptied joystick and walks away.

"Asa": You gotta see the look of his face, he was so happy you will serve him that the next second he was in fear of that fact after I gave him hell!

Asa (In head): You didn't have to kill him Yoru!

Yoru: Whatever, have your control back and go back home.

As Asa gets her control back the first thing she does is pull her panties and pants up as quick as possible and runs away embarrassed.

Meanwhile with Diara, she was sitting on top of a building looking down in search for the death stone or the person who has it.

She does recall that Maestro said she can have her freedom back from the chains of judgement after she redeems herself with this mission.

Diara: So, you said a former partner as a hero lives here too?

???: Usually most people refer to him as some Hybrid mistake or something, but yeah he is handy until he starts to try and kill someone.

A man was sitting near the edge looking down at the same spot Diara was as she sits down too.

Diara: Guess it is not the first time too, ay?

???: Truly a first time, heard his best friend commited suicide by electricity in Japan... Which is a lie cause I found evidence that he was absorbed by him stacking his power level on top of his own too.

Diara: Ouch... But how do you avoid that process?

???: You simply have to be stronger then him physically and mentally, if one is not passed then the chance for absorption is 50%, if you weaker then him in both then the chance is 100% and your only way to escape is to either push yourself back away or make sure you are not alone. It is close range ability too if you stay far enough you are also safe, that is why he never absorbed any ranged fighter too.

The man sighs.

Diara: In short, he is power hungry?

???: Mhm, this kid is also from the Kanomato family and ancient clan with the same name, indicating that they survived the longest without too much damage.

The man slowly gets up, Diara does the same as then, both just vanished.

As the man appears somewhere in an ally he finds the body of a raped and killed man, turns out it was not a regular punch but rather choked to death and ruined... 

???: Poor man, that might be a criminal who caused it and it must be a woman, but like this... Truly disgutsting. (Maybe a femboy too, these are common at Japan...)

The man sighs and turns around walking through the street and notices a bit of blood drops leading somewhere, so he follows them going through the path for 15-25 minutes reaching a house entering through the gate and goes further in the frontyard looking.

??? (Thinking to himself): What a beautiful house... However, whoever is inside must've...

He then stopped as he saw someone through the window and looked making sure he is not discovered to see Asa inside cleaning her shoes as he sees blood on the other shoe and he was a bit surprised.

??? (Thinking to himself): Maybe it was self-defense or... Revenge plot... However, I'll need data on her by the president to make a move on her.

The man then notices something in her left eye and...

??? (Thinking to himself): Maestro said to retrive the death stone, so it is the war devil... The one who shares control with a human right?

The man then vanished as Asa turns to the window thinking someone was there, but turns out nobody is there and she continues cleaning her shoes.

Meanwhile in the minister office, he was sitting expecting no one... However, a man appears and when he turns around he was spooked.

Fumio: Oh my-!

Fumio Kishida who normally the man confuses as president instead of the main power known as prime minsiter then sighs.

Fumio: What do you want?

???: I came to find information on a girl who had blood leading to her house after a death and raped boy was found in a back alley.

Fumio: Another one?

The man was a bit confused, but seems Maestro's warnings were not in vein, there was a lot more kills and she even fought Elijah once as he listens to Fumio's explanations and that the war devil is a she named Yoru who is stuck inside the body of a girl named Asa Mitaka.

Fumio: Poor girl, we have to keep her close on eye, but once, Yoru, the war devil takes over... It is like we cannot find her, only victims... 

???: Doesn't the war devil have unhealthy obsession with turning people into weapons?

Fumio: Yes, but recently that has declinded as she only took control on so little occasions. Howeever, that does change if we react, we want as little to no awareness of us trying to capture herç but since that plan never got executed, we tried asking the Kanomato family, but they are too busy with something.

???: I see, well I'll take the case for you and defeat the war devil while making sure the girl is fine.

The man sighs.

Fumio: I respect your bravery and determination, but if you think about seperating them, then do not try, we already had a soul manipulation manifestation user try and they died trying.

???: Don't worry, I've got a better plan.

End of Chapter

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