Chapter 13: Society II

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In a society which we live, roles are always different... Everyone thinks they are the main character, but that is only for them to think... Different mind-sets, different thinking. Each human thinks independently, no matter how similar they are.

It was 9:45 AM, in southeastern Europe, somewhere in a abandoned office in the city of Belgrade in Serbia, A light red haired woman alongside a man were talking...

The Man: Makima, I know the casino day back then was a problem, but I believe there was no way a hero like him could break out of your control...

Makima was drinking a beer, kinda still pissed off cause of that day...

Makima: Fucking unfair, they even stabbed me in the fucking eye... Luckly it regenerated, but still... That fucking hero wasn't like the rest of em, he felt like an easy pray but in the end he ends up being a little fucking troll...

Makima smashes her fist at the office desk hard showing a sign of anger.

The Man: H-How about this, we go to S-Spain... I heard there was a pro-hero and a 2nd year student there for a-a mission...

Makima looked at the man.

Makima: Sounds interesting, but nah... We cannot afford to go to Spain. We still have work in Bulgaria and Turkey, rather say more important then these two... Now fuck off my sight before I make you do a dirty do do infront of me.

The man was nervious and scared as...

The Man: Y-Yes... Ma'am...

The man leaves Makima alone in the office, she seemed stressed and angry and keeps hitting the office desk out of anger.

Meanwhile in Japan... Kocol Kanomato was in the hospital watching international news as knocking on his door was heard...

Kocol: Yes, come in.

The door opens and it reveals a woman. The woman in question was named Margret Kanomato. The Kanomatos were 14th place in the top 20 families.

Kocol: Oh hello honey, what's up?

Name: Kocol Kanomato

Age: 47

Information: After the 2020 Villain vs Hero war which ended in a ceasefire with multiple heroes either killed or injured and Villains mainly captured or killed, Kocol was one of the lucky few who made it out alive, but mainly sick and now he is in the hospital. Either ways he is a half-breed with a questionble past with a scar on his face and a brown hair with light blue eyes, he is a major reason for the Kanomato Family being in top rankings.

Manifestation: Battle Dome

Manifestation Information: Battle dome allows the user to spawn a dome trapping their enemies inside, it also has a heat move which once actived it feels like it turns slowly into a oven, it also can be used as electric shocker if someone with electricity is used on the dome. Drawback to this power is overusing it may cause the user damage of heat or electricity depending on, overusing or using it for too long.

Demonification: He can turn into a demon, the demon powers are currently unknown.

Nopheria: Nothing much, it is just the hero business is getting harder and harder with every day as more villains rise or devils appear out of nowhere. I just finished paying off your hosptial debt, god it took so long.

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