Chapter 128: Gem in the left eye II [A Devil's Stone Arc]

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The Pink Devil jumps from roof to roof as she was following someone, as she stops to look down seeing Ruby Janama entering a back alley, Pinky makes a huge leap through the street and lands on the other roof hoping it was fast enough and walks a bit forward and then kneels down to look what's up.

Ruby stops as she sees some random Japanese boy.

Ruby: Daiki, finally I've found you where have you been?!

Daiki was his name, he looked 2 years older than Ruby. He turned around.

Daiki: Been places, why are you so concerned about me?

Ruby: Why?! Cause I'm your girlfriend of course, you been places, scaring me out like that

Ruby seemed so worried and yet she felt like he was cheating on her.

Daiki: Well, I had to leave Japan cause I was a transfer student, my parents went with me and such now that I'm back I can get in the same college as you, hoping you pass of course.

Ruby: Oh I see...

Name: Daiki Hiroshi

Age: 18

Information: He was a transfer student in the USA's hero school at New York, but her homeroom was the principal of that school and had the worst grades in Willow Ivanova's hero classes out of his class, he only graduated cause of some laws.

Manifestation: Superhuman Transformation

Manifestation Information: The manifestation allows the user to transform into a superhuman with a great 20x stack that increases base power to superhuman power, sadly it is only physical strength upgrade with endurance, speed & precision. The main drawback it is the form has a timer of 5 minutes before it wears off.

Daiki sighs.

Daiki: But I'm here my love... I'm here. (It's a shame I have to break it to her though.)

The Pink Devil sat down and watched with curiosity to see what he'll do next as she was the only one who saw that kiss mark on his neck that he was hiding from Ruby.

Pink Devil (Thinking to herself): Oh my, he is cheating on her...

Daiki: C-Can we go out on a date later today, so we can catch up?

Ruby: Oh...

Ruby blushes and then jumps in excitement.

Ruby: Yes, yes, yes!

Ruby then smiles softly.

Ruby: What time by the way?

Daiki: 5:30 pm perhaps at a nice Japanese Arcade and from there we can go around?

Ruby: T-That sounds awesome!

Then as the Pink Devil sighs she looks a bit to the right to see what looked like Asa Mitaka spying, she was confused until looking down closely to see it was Yoru in control and it was... Creepy to say the least.

The Pink Devil sighs and blinks to notice Yoru was gone and Ruby was walking away and then gets up and runs off to a random direction.

Later the same day, Ruby just finished dressing up and looks herself at her own mirror.

Ruby (Thinking to herself): Oh my... Daiki will love this outfit, I remember when he was 13 and started at woman like these with this outfit, perfect for our date.

Ruby grabs her purse, keys and puts them in her handbag and then puts the handbag on her shoulder and walks out of her room, walking downstairs waving goodbye to her parents and leaving the house and then she begins to make her way to the location.

Meanwhile with Daiki, he was making his way too to the place until he stopped, but he only got a cut to the face as he then saw a knife pinning to a bag of trash. He touches the cut spot and looks at the blood on his finger and turns around to see What he suspect is Asa, but it is Yoru.

Daiki: A-Asa what was that for?!

Yoru: Oh my, aren't you quite the cheating type?

Daiki: C-Chea-

Daiki recalls not coverin the kiss mark on his neck properly and looks at Yoru.

Yoru: Ruby, oh poor Ruby what will she think of you?

Daiki: S-She wouldn't believe, no totally even if you tell her!

Daiki tries to to run away, but Yoru grabs him and pulls him back.

Yoru: I suppose since the girl who kissed you is in the United States too, right?

Daiki: Y-Yeah, but that is none of your concern!

Yoru thought of something...

Yoru: Oh the host of the Kiss Devil, ugh that ability allows people to be easily manipulated and turned into puppets of someone that pretends to love them. Asa was once her victim when she was still in Japan she told me before I took her body or well thought she was dead.

Daiki: W-Wait what...?

Daiki tries to punch Yoru to let him go, but he was stopped instantly.

Yoru: Oh my, did I expose myself? It does not matter, not like Ruby is gonna believe you even if you told her that her friend is possessed by the War Devil anyway.

Yoru laughs.

Yoru (Thinking to herself): Somehow though, Asa was able to break that Kiss Devil's mark though, which makes her more interesting than the other humans...

As Daiki transforms into his superhuman form. he finishes only to feel like he was already hit.

Daiki: Fine then- ...Uh...

Daiki turns around to see Yoru walking away as that sword turns back into a human spine and then he suddenly feels like his spine was missing.

Yoru: Weak, pathetic, not even close to UltraX's or the number 1 in the world's capabilities.

Daiki: ...You...

Daiki then falls to the ground or atleast his top part atleast as he was dead.



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