Chapter 49: The Third Year III

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Current class:

Vladislav Nikolov | Manifestation: Energy Manipulation

Emil Alson | Manifestation: Wind

Jacob Ursoro | Manifestation: Fire

James Ovan | Manifestation: Teleportation

Haruno Olovana | Manifestation: Healing

Ivan Terrance | Manifestation: Healing

Yosif Opano | Manifestation: Shadow Manipulation

Leno Dano | Manifestation: Unkown

Alexandra Revana | Manifestation: Beast Force Manipulation

Devora Uzumi | Manifestation: Camouflage & Super strength

Elena Areno | Manifestation: Float


It was November, another month, another hard lesson. Of course it was math class and the class had an exam with Mr Fredrick.

Of course after they were done, it was break time again... Meanwhile at the teacher's room. Willow and UltraX were discussing something...

Willow: So, last month was that thing for greater control, how did it go exactly?

UltraX: It went well, not only that but some showed impressive progress. 

Willow: How come?

UltraX sighs.

UltraX: Not gonna lie, Emil and Jacob already have greater control over their manifestations. Haruno and Ivan trained under Maria and their healing has increased drastically with this greater control training. Devora, Elena and Alexandra got better teamwork training as well during this class and of course Yosif got greater control and made up a new move. Leno and James got greater control and that is it for them. Vladislav on the other hand...

UltraX stopped talking for a moment.

UltraX: He is an interesting kid. Seems like he gets extra lessons outside and he is able to use the other energies too with his energy manipulation manifestation on a good level.  Knowing last year's patrol test as second years they were forced to work with heroes out of their choosing... It led to some kind of development, but hoping this year's first half of the year patrol test doesn't lead to him to be with the same guy... He is a bad influence.

Willow: I see... Of course and I see that you do not like Elijah that much. However, Elaina a pro-hero came to me after the vacation to express disappointment with Elijah Kanomato's methods as a teacher and that she wants him not to be near Vlad... Did something happened?

UltraX: Yeah, apparently that fuck after the arena challenges got so mad to challenge Elaina to a duel, well atleast what Vlad told me.

Willow: Oh, I see... That type of duel.

UltraX: Of course knowing that someone like an allyor a close friend can fight in Elaina's spot, she actually looking towards Vlad to fight him. I'm worried that Vlad may agree with that and lose the battle fast...

UltraX was a bit sad.

Willow: So you are worried about it, guess ya won't forget about him that easily and let him go. Just stay by his side, train him and prepare him if he agrees to do that.

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