Chapter 9: His containment

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It has been a couple of hours since the containment, the suspect in question, Garou... Has finally woken up and was... Sad...

Garou: ... Why am I back here?

Garou didn't seem that angry like the first time he was contained a couple years ago, rather confused & sad... Maybe disappointed.

Garou: Of course, heroes like em wouldn't have the guts to kill me, they would leave me to rot in containment in a high security prison like last time...

Meanwhile the guard and the leader of the prison. on the other side.

Guard: Do you think Garou will escape again, boss?

The boss was a female woman 5'5 in height, she looked at the guard.

Girl (Boss): Well I doubt it, especially since he seems much more depressed then last time, guess the heroes this time gave him a beating he will hardly forget. Remember, as long as he is kept in check, we can test that new program of ours.

Guard: A-Alright... and What about Kanomato?

The girl chuckled and looked up foward.

Girl (Boss): Kanomato, no worries he is our pro-hero icon in Japan, if he loses control... We will simply put him underneath in the coldest parts of the prison, remember... That is only our job.

The girl and the guard walked away as Garou started and heard it all.

Garou: Of course... Some of the governments want certain heroes caught by using their beserk and uncontrolled states, some "heroes" have their own issues... Pathetic.

End of Chapter 9

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