Chapter 121: A pinkish trait [A Devil's Stone Arc]

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As Diara walks, she had a seperate mission given to her, to track down the fear of the color of pink and why is it so high right now?

She was outside of Tokyo at a field with grass and near the ocean and that is where it was sensed, the devil... A devil known to be born from the fear of the pink, whether pink blood or the color itself, she always sat at this area looking at the ocean.

Diara: Pink devil!

The girl who sat, had pink hair, pink eyes, wore a skirt with short socks and sneakers, had a shirt that fits the scheme of pink and white and then wore white gloves as she stood up and turned around.

Pink Devil: Oh who might you be?

Diara: The High Council's orders, young lady.

Pink devil chuckles.

Pink Devil: Could careless, I am no longer a member of the council leave me be.

Diara: Aren't you helping the war devil, like the bitch you are.

Pink Devil: Now watch your mouth ancient fossil, I do not wanna get dirty with you... More then I have to do comparing to the last person send on a mission like you.

Diara was not surprised, she is acting as childish as when she first met her in the eclipse, no idea how she would come so willingly to help defeating the war devil.

The Pink Devil pulls their arm out and a katana appears and she gets in a fighting position, Diara does the same despite not wanting, the devil so called fiend taking over the body of a young girl who was killed days after being saved from a warehouse...

Diara while not wanting to hurt that devil, she summons a katana too to keep it fair.

Pink Devil: Not gonna use your so powerful soul blade on me?

Diara: Nuh uh.

Diara does lock in as she awaits the Pink Devil's first move, but she has yet to make it which is making Diara slowly lose her patience, as it goes she runs and attempts to strike the Pink Devil only for her to appear behind.

Pink Devil: You know, that is not how you attack, so inpatiant and inaccurate, tch tch.

The Pink Devil lands an elbow hit at the back and then as Diara turns around and attempts to slash her, she dodges her attack and then sended a magical slash at Diara which lands at her chest avoiding her boobs and then the Pink Devil kicks her back a little a Diara also gets hit by a pink slash and a pink sword style: quick draw and then the Pink Devil turns around dodging a regular attack and headbutts her opponent and then slashes and uppercuts them and kicks Diara back once more, but instead of letting her breath, the Pink Devil grabs Diara by the neck and then starts choking her, which leads to Diara dropping her blade and grabbing onto the hands of the Pink Devil trying to get her away, but the choking continues.

Pink Devil: You know, you are the one thing devils are disgusted for and I can see why, the first demon to reach our levels in a long time!

Diara: S-Stop...

Diara struggles a bit against the strength of the Pink Devil and then she...

Diara: I said stop!

She roars loudly which leaves the Pink Devil's hands letting go and then Diara grabs her by the leg and slams her against the ground and then spins around throwing her right against a tree which the Pink Devil hits, Diara picks up her blade and slowly walks towards the Pink Devil who gets up and re-summons her katana.

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