Chapter 15: Back in the hometown (⚠️)

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A car was driving their way on the road, as the people inside the car spotted the city... Bulgaria, the city is Vidin... The hometown of the Ivanov Family's kid, UltraX Ivanov.

UltraX was driving the car while Mina was sleeping in the back, then he breaths in and out.

UltraX: Home sweet home, coming back to check up on an old friend, Maria Dimitrova... God I miss her so much, an old childhood friend alongside...

Then he stops speaking to himself.

UltraX: N-Nevermind...

Then the car continued driving as it entered the city.

The next morning, UltraX was in an apartment on the 10th floor... He just woke up noticing Mina was still asleep, he then pulled out his phone to check on the news.

Ultra turned on an interesting news video from Spain...

News Reporter: News Reporter, Jessica here speaking from Barcelona dock, apparently a mass murder of a couple of crew members of the dock and law reinforcements happened here as well as the popular hero, Elaina Vans was found passed out here just yesterday. The culprit is unknown, however also possible hostage-

Then he turned off the news report viedo and put his phone back on his jacket's pocket.

UltraX: God, the vans are slipping out these days, hope that kid Elijah talked about was not there during that time or else I might have to help em.

Ultra got off the bed he was sitting at and went to the kitchen, opening his fridge he then pulls out a banana, taking off the peel and started eating the banana, he then sits on the table and turns on the tv to watch Cartoon Network... Wait the fuck is he doing, he is 18 and watches cartoons, the hell???

Then Ultra stands up and throws the peel of the banana in the trash, which after he washes his hands and then goes back to the room where Mina is still asleep.

UltraX: Of course she likes to sleep a lot more then me when it comes to arriving from hours of a long trip from Plovdiv, I should've used my power... But... I abuse with it a little too much and I need to physically learn how to drive a car anyways.

UltraX breahts in and out, then he changes from his sleeping clothes to his casuals and puts on his jacket, then eh pulls out a paper and a pen and he writes on the paper... After that he leaves the paper on an old wooden desk and then leaves the room, grabbing his keys and going to the front door, then he unlocks the front door and goes outside and closes the front door, locking it again... Then he gets in the elevator.

20 minutes later, he reaches a bar in Vidin and sits on a free table. He then pulls out his phone from the pocket and checks his discord... He finds the nickname of the person he is supposed to meet and messages them. In 5 more minutes he gets respond as he was reading though the OMORI server, the person messaged back with "I am near the bar, give me a minute X". After a minute, he then notices a beautiful girl walking by and sitting on the opposite end of the table to stare at him.

???: Huh, look who came back in town.

Name: Maria Dimitrova

Age: 18

Information: The Dimitrov family ranks 21st in the global ranks for the families, they are so close to become top 20, the daughter, Maria is an interesting woman. On her early life her focus was to become a nurse in a hospital like her mother, however due to her manifestation being a powerful one, she was moved to support hero course, her and UltraX known each other since 2012 and they promised to be under one banner as heroes.

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