Chapter 44: The Third Year II

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Current class:

Vladislav Nikolov | Manifestation: Energy Manipulation

Emil Alson | Manifestation: Wind

Jacob Ursoro | Manifestation: Fire

James Ovan | Manifestation: Teleportation

Haruno Olovana | Manifestation: Healing

Ivan Terrance | Manifestation: Healing

Yosif Opano | Manifestation: Shadow Manipulation

Leno Dano | Manifestation: Unkown

Alexandra Revana | Manifestation: Beast Force Manipulation

Devora Uzumi | Manifestation: Camouflage & Super strength

Elena Areno | Manifestation: Float


It was October and of course after some entrance exams and such, the class was about to get to the real stuff. Comparing to the Bulgarian school, the training here was a bit easier on the students that took part in the hero school. To a surpise, everyone who was in the physical exam was surprised how Vladislav got an B against the one man who talked down Jacob.

Emil: Jacob, you ok?

Jacob slams the desk.

Jacob: Damn it! How did that runt get a B, a fucking B?!

Emil: Woah woah, calm down dude!

Jacob: I can't believe it! I just can't stay calm alright!

Jacob was mad as fuck as Emil was trying to calm him down. Elena and Haruno along with the rest of the class (without Vlad being around) were looking at him.

Haruno: Poor boy.

Elena: I feel pity for him, he and Emil peformed so well and yet only a C.

Elena and Haruno sigh.

Elena: Aww man we should pray today's training is not pain with Mrs. Ivanova and her son.

Haruno: Yeah.

After sometime passes, it was math class with a regular teacher and of course it was relaxing so it was cool... After some more time passes everyone was already downstairs at the yard wondering where the hell is Willow?

Jacob: Wow teacher is late now? Not only she let her son beat my and emil's asses a month ago... Now she is late!

Emil sighs.

Elena: Calm down red chilli peper, she is coming for sure.

Meanwhile at Willow's new york apartment. Willow was heavily asleep.

Back to the yard which 10 minutes have passed... UltraX comes around.

UltraX: Damn you have been here for 10 minutes waiting?

Vlad: Mhm.

Ivan: Why is the teacher not here?

UltraX: She is busy with other hero work as it seems back in Bulgaria. Anyways, today's training class will be done by me and a friend of mine.

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