Chapter 129: Pinkish Blood [A Devil's Stone Arc]

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Ruby takes a turn and ends up at an empty stadium, usually a football one and as she walks through it as an everyday thing, she stops seeing...

Ruby (Thinking to herself): P-Pink devil, she is here already?!

The Pink Devil, somehow she is feared even by some devils for some reason, what is her secret?

Pink Devil: Ruby Janama, Blood Fiend, Blood Devil or whatever they call you. I'm not surprised I come back in so many years to see you again, Bloody.

Ruby: ...God... Wait no, I'm way too sinful to even pray to God.

Ruby takes a step back.

Pink Devil: Listen, we need to talk.

Ruby: Talk... No, not with you...

Pink Devil moves to the side with ease as blood spikes appeared from the ground next to her.

Pink Devil: Poor choice of action, Bloody.

The Pink Devil summons the Cursed Katana and ran towards Ruby and as she moves to the side only to be struck with the other end of the Cursed Katana and then kicked back by her opponent as she then quickly makes a blood wall to block a Cursed Slash.

Only for then the Pink Devil to appear and landing a slash at the back of Ruby and kicking her through the Blood wall destroying it as then Bloody (Ruby) crashed into the stadium's wall. As she gets off the wall she goes under the Pink Devil, but gets caught by her thighs getting Ruby's head stuck in them and then Pinky  quickly squishes her a bit and then let's go and kicks her up in the air and as Ruby looks down, she notices some lines around her and then looks as all over the area and one right there.

Pink Devil: Calculated Strikes, I was taught in academy or well... The body of this person was.

Ruby then gets slashed a couple times before the Pink Devil jumps on her and kicks her down to the ground and then she pushes herself back and lands away from Ruby and as Bloody gets up and dodges the Cursed Slash then she summons a blood sword and runs towards the Pink Devil and Pinky ran towards her as they both clashed.

They tried to hit each other, but they dodged each other's attacks, but then the Pink Devil leaps in the air causing Ruby to get knocked back a bit and then she dodges a cursed slash again before sending a blood ball which Pinky just slashes only for it to explode and sending her down to the ground.

Ruby: You're a tough one... Especially with that weapon of yours.

The Pink Devil quickly gets up and jumps up and then dashes in the air avoiding a big blood spike as then Ruby notices something bleeding from the Pink Devil's left arm, it looked like blood yet it was pink, but before she could react she got slashed again and then grabbed and thrown in the air

Pink Devil: Calculated Strikes: 25%!

Ruby then gets slashed a couple times and then before she could do anything, the Pink Devil got close and...

Pink Devil: Here is a fun one, Sword Draw: Quick draw. 

As it happens quickly the Pink Devil was above Ruby as she felt a big hit and fell down to the ground and Pinky landed on top of Ruby as the Cursed Katana vanishes.

Pink Devil: You're not as strong as you appear, especially against another devil.

Ruby: G-Get off me-!

Pink Devil grabs Ruby's thorat and holds her tight keeping her stuck on the ground as she pulls off the sleves of her shirt on the left arm and putting the part where the blood drops right on Ruby's mouth, as she tried to resit, Pinky held her mouth open pouring her Pink blood in her mouth forcing her to swallow it. The resistance grows weaker until it is not resistance.

Pink Devil: I'm sorry, but we have to do something to calm you down.

Pink Devil's blood is special, a pink blood is one cause of people to fear her so she gains more power, yet she trains herself so even if she loses some power, it won't be that much of a loss, one of her abiltiies is to use Pink Blood to put people to sleep or control them, befriend them or whatever her desires are.

End of Chapter

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