Chapter 5: Shadows of the devil III (⚠️)

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Within the news and alert of that robbery, the criminals managed to escape the cops easily and hidden in a forest outside of Plovdiv. The driver who was some random innocent civilian was killed after their escape...

Criminal 1: We got the cash boys, now we can return it at night to the boss, but for now we need to find the nearest small town with clothing store, we have to hide our identities.

The other 2 criminals look at him.

Criminal 2: But where exactly can we find that store, steal ton of clothes and run away with a van full of ton of money?

Criminal 1: Well you might not have thinked this though, but we killed a driver and kidnapped the woman who works in the bank, she is in the back of the van... Maybe she can help us get those clothes easily and after that... We are scott free.

Criminal 3: Seems like you planned it though.

Criminal 1: Yeah I even got a ton of paint spray, grey color. That way we won't draw suspicion to our van, in a sense after we used the woman... We can rape her and hang her somewhere.

The three criminals got to paint the van for 35 minutes and after that they started preparing the woman as a bait and then they started driving. Hours later they arrived at a small town and the woman jumped out from the back of the van and closed it quickely, entering the clothes store. Minutes later, the woman comes out with bags and opens the back of the van, entering with em and handing em over to the three criminals, then she closed the back of the van and they were on the road again, with hours ahead of the road they were heading for Vratsa, until... A roadblockade was standing in their way as they stopped the van.

Criminal 1: W-What is happening here?

They see 3 police officers walking to their van and one of them is looking though the driver's window.

Police Officer 1: Hello, gentlemans... We had to block the road due to some criminal chase in Vratsa, if you wanna pass use the alternative road which is on the left of you.

Criminal 1: O-Oh... Alright sir, thank you.

Then the 3 police officers backed away and went to the blockade with the other 3, while the van started driving, turning the left and driving that alternative path, few minutes later they were still driving, carefully however after making a right turn they see an exit to this alternative path. The van manages to exit this alternative path only for some reason to be stopped, Criminal 1 comes out of the van and looks around as he notices the tires were poked and they notice a spike barrier, almost as if it was planned.

Criminal 2: What is going on, is it the gas?

Criminal 1 then comes back in the van.

Criminal 1: The tires are out, ugh should've known something was odd with the cops.

Criminal 3 then looked over the woman's pockets to find a tracking device.

Criminal 3: M-Maybe this is why the cops put a blockade...

Criminal 3 shows the tracking device to Criminal 1 & 2.

Criminal 1: ugh... should've known, dude get on the back and help our friend teach that woman a proper lesson of how she should behave, like the slut she is.

Criminal 3 then grabs the woman as she is begging to be spared with screams, Criminal 2 gets out from the front seat and goes on the back, opening the back of the van and entereing in, after that closes it...

Woman: P-Please don't do it, not here!

Criminal 2: shut it, your bitchass got our only escape fucked!

Criminal 2 covers the mouth of the woman while Criminal 3 undresses her slowly.

Criminal 2: Just enjoy it as a last gift before death, except if ya do not want to die by being choked before what we give to people who ruin our plans...

Within that, the criminals slowly started to rape her, her screams wouldn't be heard at all as Criminal 2 was covering her mouth with one of his hands and the other was on her neck, Criminal 3 then putted a spoon he stole from the prison in her ass.

Criminal 3: Shame we did not break our other friends, they are far better then us at doing this...

Criminal 3 then puts his pants down.

Criminal 3: You know the rules, say goodbye.

Criminal 3 then pulls out the spoon and starts to slowly put in his other "spoon" in her, within sometime passing, possibly an hour... The woman was raped and in the last 5 minutes of that, she was choked to death and thrown out of the van right into the spike blockade.

Criminal 3: That will teach her!

Criminal 1: Wow took ya long enough, anyways I managed to get 4 new tires... God till ya were making her "enjoy" your little methods of teaching, I gotten to do something productive and steal 4 tires from a random 47 year old man's car.

Criminal 3 & 2 close the van's backdoor and the engine of the van starts.

Criminal 1: Oh and put the new clothes on, I already put mine before stealing the tires.

They started driving the van again, going for Montana as they originally planned... Criminal 2 & 3 feel like there is more to where he got those tires from, but they decided to question it once they are in Montana. After another hour of driving they have arrived in Montana and entered a back alley to park their van, stopping the engine... Criminal 1 came out of the van and walked infront of it, Criminal 2 & 3 came out from the back and they though to ask him so both approached.

Criminal 2: Listen we have to ask...

Criminal 3: How did you manage to even steal those tires, let alone replace the old ones with these under the hour of time me & the other dude were doing our job, how?

Criminal 1 also was noticed he had a wrench with him, as he turns around smiling...

Criminal 1: Knew you idiots are gonna question me... Obviously... I just gotten lucky.

Criminal 1 then throws the wrench hitting Criminal 3 in the head, which is a fatal hit causing Criminal 3 to fall on the ground and slowly starting to die... Criminal 2 was shocked.

Criminal 2: WHAT THE FUCK?!

After that Criminal 2 saw that Criminal 1 was gone... However shortly after, he felt stabbed in the back by a sharp object, Criminal 2 screams in pain as he felt his back being cut open... Criminal 2 falls on the ground with his face hitting the ground.

Criminal 1: Pathetic, not even a match for the Knife Devil.

Criminal 2 then tries to stand up, puking blood out of his outh.

Criminal 1: Now stay quiet and down...

Then Criminal 2 felt his head hit hard with the sharp object, which lead to Criminal 2's death, this leads to a flashback with Criminal 1 signing a contract with the Knife devil back in the prison 2 weeks ago... This flashback ends quickely.

Criminal 1: This power of yours, knife devil... It is pretty good for my intensions, once we get out of Bulgaria, we can finally meet the boss face to face in Germany, city... Berlin.

Criminal 1 then goes back to the van, opens the front door, jumps in, closing the front door he starts the engine and drives out of the backalley, running over the bodies of Criminal 2 & 3.

End of Chapter 5

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