Chapter 109: A time for beautiful fireworks... [Road to the Incident Arc]

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1 month before the Vidin Incident, Northon stood at the location, an area with not many people visiting, at the back yard of the school, he waited.

Now let us explain a little something, Northon does work with the assassin organization only cause his family does. He was unaware of that up until 2 years ago and now he does small tasks that are not too heavy work, that was up until now... He was meant to execute Lubo, but he knew something was wrong, yet he stopped thinking as he saw Lubo.

Lubo: Hey Northon, what's up?

Lubo was there right at his grasp, unaware of his own fate.

Northon: Hey kid, sorry for calling you this late.

Lubo: It is alright, so what do you need?

Northon: Can you turn around for a bit, you know it is about that test...

Lubo: Sure, friend!

As it is Northon did get into some "friendship" with Lubo, he did turn around to Northon asking nicely, but just as we all as readers and viewers know, friendships do not last forever...

Suddenly a bunch of parts of the earth came out around Lubo and tighten themselves onto him, crushing him, Lubo screams in pain.

Lubo: Augh-! N-Northon what is this?!

Northon: Oh it is nothing really, guess I really am into your sister... However, you are standing in my way of that, you brat... 

Lubo: What do I have to... Augh... Have to do with your releationship with my sister Northon?!

Northon: Well you see, you are also a problem for my associates and so on I realised you may be a thorn into my releationship with Amelia, so... Realising how much of an issue you will be.

Northon laughs.

Northon: You see, your family has been rising, causing problems for mine and our plans, obviously my family planned everything besides the part of you being thorn into my releationship with your sister. The plan was simple really, become friends with her, act like a shy boy 3 years ago, then eventually pretend like i am not as shy anymore and slowly use my time to learn everything there is and how to manipulate her to my own cause, to expand my family and erase the Ivanov name of her. For a manifestationless monkey, you got a lot of influence...

Northon tightens the crushing a little more, yet there is still no sound of bone breaking, but he continues to laugh at Lubo's pain as the plan to kill him gone smoother then ever.

Lubo (Thinking to himself): Dear god, this day cannot get worse.

Northon: Enough talking, time to die-

Suddenly Northon got hit by something and his manifestation was deactivated as Lubo breaths heavily and looks up to see his...

Lubo: A-Amelia!

Amelia: Should've known I'll be late.

Northon fell to his knees and then got up slowly looking at the both of them.

Northon: W-What are you doing here Amelia...?

Amelia: Oh please, you can drop the manipulative smirk and behaviour that is not yours and just admit it, you trying to kill my brother.

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