Chapter 33: The path towards a change I

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Mina and Yurika were siblings both who grew from the same family and followed a different path of their choice, always in disagreement... But now they meet again in Adumfor weeks after Isabella vs Mina took place and the arena fight that also happened beforehand... Yurika is following the movements of her sister closely.

Now that they are standing in the streets during the night with no one else to bother...

Yurika: So we meet again, my lovely sister.

Mina turned around.

Yurika: Now now, I know how I said I may hand you to the police and finally get it over with... However, our parents thought of a much softer punishment if you come back quietly...

Mina: And why should I believe you?

Yurika smiles.

Yurika: Cause I'm your sister after all, I would love to apologise, but a simple sorry won't fix this. It be better to just come back-

Mina: Sadly, cannot do that.

Yurika: And why is that?

Mina: You've gotten your hands full again, didn't you?

Yurika was shocked, despite hearing this line of dialog again... Flashback loaded.

It was 2 years ago, back in Bulgaria, Plovdiv.

Yurika: Come on X, let's do this.

UltraX takes a deep breath...

UltraX: You know, I don't like you at all... You're not the type of bitch I would marry. Even if your parents force this one through their mind-games. By the way, you've gotten your hands full.

Flashback ended and then Yurika stepped back.

Mina: Then again don't you have to leave tomorrow with X for Berlin? Wouldn't that be the perfect time to propose to him after you were rejected?

Yurika: Shut-

Mina walks past Yurika.

Mina: Think why he chose someone much more flexble, kind and with the manifestation of turning invisible just like that...

Mina left Yurika alone... Yurika felt like this might be the last time she may see her sister. However, it's just a feeling of hers.

Meanwhile in Sweden, Helsingborg. A mansion in a nice area where someone under the name of Angus lives...

???: So, you still declining my offer, Angus?

Angus was sitting on his couch looking away annoyed.

Angus: No, you are not gonna be the one taking out that half-breed. Once more just proof yourself by continuing your job as a spy... Make sure that Ivanov brat is also out of the picture when I fight her, same goes for Nikolov.

???: Yes sir.

??? leaves Angus alone as he grabs a cup of beer and drinks it.

Angus was a top hero, but he didn't seem to accept the existance of half-breeds, demons and devils and this might lead to a big discrimination which he hides from the public. To be fair top heroes always have some kind of issue with themself that is hidden to the public or revealed and ruined the reputation of that hero...

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