Chapter 10: The Vans Family... And Vlad.

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It has been a couple of days since Garou was contained, obviously our hero... Vlad Vans needed a break, but once more today was the day when Elaina's parents are gonna come back, the mansion was prepared, cleaned and ready... The food on the table was finished seconds ago as both Vlad & Elaina have waited for the day when Elaina's parents come back finally.

Elaina: Vlad today is the day... Honestly glad they delayed their plane or else they would find us beaten up cause of Garou, to be honest it be very disappointing of us...

She laughed nerviously.

Vlad: Yeah... I know. Glad to see em again.

Vlad just smiled as he was happy to see Elaina's parents.

Vlad: Hope they brought lots of food from other countries.

As they talked for couple of minutes, the door noise of opening was heard and both their attention was there, a woman and a man walking in with a ton of luggages.

Elaina: ... Mom, Dad!

Elaina ran to the woman and man and hugged em both.

Name: Saniya Vans

Age: 51

Information: Saniya Vans also known as the current successor of the Vans family, she is married to a man who was a tough boy back in the day, she currently plans retirement of her hero position... No date of when she is retiring.

Demonification: She can turn into a Demon.

Demon Ability: Three Claw Knuckle

Demon Ability Information: The user's powers are to grow three claw knuckle like spikes on their hands, they use them to fight hand on hand or to shoot flame slashes at her enemies, when she's demonificadet her powers are five time stronger, disadvantage is that they are close range type of power.

Saniya: Hehe, Elaina dear... How arer you doing?

Saniya, the man & Elaina still hugged, guess they like long hugs.

Name: Garrick Vans

Age: 53

Information: Garrick has been the man in the family due to his manifestation being stronger then her wife's, that only applies when she does not use her demon form, on the other hand Garrick is a successful business man having some companies of his own. He has no plans to retire for now.

Manifestation: Monster

Manifestation Information: her power is to turn into a monster like beast with big horns and hard skin than is tankproof and to crate a energy blast breath called the "Vans Cannon"

Garrick: It has been quite the time since we went to our trip and stuff...

Garrick smiled and laughed as if it was normal thing in their everyday life. After the hugging, the luggages were put back in the parents bedroom and the whole family (+ Vlad) were down on the table to eat, drink and enjoy while catching up with each other. What a wonderful day to spend with family Elaina was thinking to herself...

The Vans family has been around for atleast 8 generations and this generation has made a move to adopt Vladislav, his last name will be changed in near future from...

Name: Vladislav Nikolov


Name: Vladislav Vans

Only after the marrage of Elaina Vans and Vladislav Nikolov comes around, which it will be for a long time... But for now they decide to enjoy their lifes... In the meantime let's look at another certain family that has big influence besides the Vans in another side of the world...

End of Chapter

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