Chapter 82: Power-hunger IV [Adumfor Arc II]

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Power-hunger can also be used as an excuse to grow stronger, but not for the same reasons as someone with pure heart, not to protect, but to satisfy one's self's hunger for power, which is just an endless blackhole for some and an end-point is to satisfy.

At the place, the dinner table where Vlad, Elaina, Amelia & Ultra sat down, they were eating, enjoying the meal with some jazz music and talking.

Elaina: So, tomorrow we continue our training?

UltraX: Yeah, to be blunt with you. After we are done training, I'm gonna take Vlad for some training as well. You and Amelia can take on some duo quests from the queen while Vlad is being trained.

Elaina: Oh I see, so you have planned things out.

Amelia: Yeah, he always plans, even if he is an bonehead.

UltraX: Hey...

Ultra was a bit annoyed, but his mood changed back to casual pretty quickly.

Amelia: Anyways, so I could train you too Elaina. However, it will cost you.

Elaina: I'll... Consider it.

Elaina sighs and then looks at Vlad.

Vlad: So, any new missions or how Isabella loves to call them, "quests?"

UltraX: Not much really, there is one for tracking, a devil activity has been happening around here, it was a low level devil activity, but still we could use a tracker.

Vlad: I can try to track it.

UltraX: So you are in for that?

Vlad: Yeah, got nothing better to do.

Ultra shrugs it and is glad that he is not gonna be alone on a tracking mission... Like last time 2 years ago when Elijah left him alone so he can deal with his annoying sister instead of focusing on the mission.

UltraX: So, how is Iskra?

Vlad: She is fin-

UltraX: You messed her up pretty badly, she was going through the 5 stages of grief after this whole fight you two had.

Vlad: A-And how do you know?

Ultra drinks some soda and sighs.

UltraX: Well I went on a little spying and saw it, it was kinda insane. Seems like your whole family is here Nikolov. Well should be expected since last year Iskra was alone.

Elaina: Oh damn, this ain't good news.

UltraX: Even shitter news is that apparently Vlad had a younger brother named Martin who has the same manifestation as him.

Vlad: Wait, you just found out?

Amelia: I mean, you are only known as Vans's little boyfriend and some kind of hero, not like your family is well known after Iskra's doings.

UltraX: Yeah, it hurts, but it is just what it is.

They continue and eating for the rest of the night, of course Amelia & Ultra left after they were done and helped with cleaning of the table, dishes and such... Leaving Vlad & Elaina alone and then Elaina leads Vlad upstairs as promised and closes the door...

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