Chapter 79: Happy Halloween! [Adumfor Arc II]

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This is a chapter that could be considered fillar by many, but it is as important as the rest of the story in this series thingy or whatever.


It was halloween... After the Vidin incident, of course and before Vlad's kidnapping. Him and his actual family were out trick or treating in a populated village near Sofia where they had their vacation house set.

Vlad was dressed like Kratos from god of war, minus the muscles, Iskra was dressed like a nerd from Undertale, Martin, the younger brother of Vlad was dressed like gumball from the AWOG.

Of course they all split, Martin was with his parents while Vlad and Iskra went on their own and of course led to a discussion.

Iskra: Hey, have you heard of this japanese family named Kanomato?

Vlad: No, never heard of them...

Iskra sighs.

Iskra: Well let me explain, the Kanomato family is a family that has existed for 1000 years and they are known to have a "cursed child" within their family. Suspecting that the time has come, every 300 years there is a cursed child in his family, before it used to be an ancient clan. That cursed child is born with the potential of destroying the world and freeing the curse energy devil with a contract. Most Kanomato's are born on august 30th, that being the mother of the family of this generation and the son named Elijah Kanomato.

Vlad: Wait, how do you know so much?

Iskra: ...I like sticking my nose where it isn't my business and I found that out while mom and dad were talking, they also said that Elijah is a cursed child, the scary part it is not even festive.

Vlad was bit worried that this cursed child could hurt them.

Iskra: Do not worry, even if he tries, he won't be able to.

Iskra smiles with confidence.

Iskra: Now come on, we gotta collect some candy and scare some nerds!

Vlad: Yeah! Even though you are dressed as a nerd.

Iskra: S-Shut up...

As they both talked and walked down, knocking on doors treat or treating, giving scares or just random reactions and enjoy the holiday as it is.  

Meanwhile with Martin.

??? (Father): Listen Martin, we gotta tell you this...

Martin turns to his father in curiosity.

??? (Father): You have awakened your manifestation only recently and we believe it be for the best if you learn how to control it, but until then remember...

??? (Mother): We the Nikolov family will be on top 20 once day!

End of Chapter

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