Alexa Bliss: Merry Christmas!

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It's Christmas time and the world is buzzing to wake up on Christmas morning to see what father Christmas brought them, or at least the kids are, it's also no difference for the L/n household, that included 5 x Women's Champion Alexa Bliss sleeping soundly in the bed, a peaceful sigh leaving her lips as she snuggled into her husband's arms.

Alexis turned over in her sleep but once she did the daylight from the window shined through and woke her from her peaceful slumber, her eyes fluttered open and smiled to seeing her husband of 15 Years, Y/n L/n.

Y/n met her when she turned 18, Y/n was an up'n'coming musician in a band called "Riddick", he was kind of her celebrity crush, posters and what not all over her bedroom walls, she wrote to him and he wrote back, Y/n was grateful that she wasn't as perverted as his other female fans and happily wrote back, they became friends over a messages in the Twitter app, then she shot herself in the foot.

Alexis' 18th birthday was coming up and she told her friends she was talking to Y/n on Social Media, she showed them the messages but they still didn't believe her, so she claimed Riddick was performing at her 18th party, they weren't but she said they were, Alexis sent Y/n a message on Twitter but didn't get a response, not until the night of her birthday, when Y/n showed up with the rest of the band.

The next day, Alexis took Y/n out around Columbus Ohio and showed him what they can do for fun, they eventually went back to Y/n's temporary apartment for the band's stay and... well, that lead to their son being born.

Alexis: Y/n. Wake up~

She gently said in a sing song voice to him as she moved to straddle his waist, Y/n gently woke up and saw his wife sitting on his waist and his hands moved to her hips then to her perfect thighs.

Y/n: Merry Christmas~

Alexis smiled down to him and kissed him, Y/n held the back of her head into the kiss as it got more and more heated, it's Christmas morning and the same thing happens every single morning.

Alexis: Maybe we could have a little playtime...

She sat back up resting her hands on her husband's chest while he looked up to her with a small smile, Alexis bit her lip a little at him hoping they can have this moment.

Alexis: ... You know. Santa could stuff his package in my stocking~

She leant forward leaning on his body, moving her face inches from him, Y/n's hands moved to her perfect peach and squeezed while she went in for another kiss till the sound of kids feet came running down the hall to their bedroom.

Y/n: Well, it's always nice to be blue balled on Christmas morning.

Alexis climbed off his waist with a chuckle as their daughter Hailey, came running into the room wearing her Christmas Toy Story onesie and holding her teddy bear in her hands, she the perfect imitation of Alexis, adorable, blonde and has the energy that tires them both out at her age of 6.

Hailey: Mommy, daddy. Santa came!

She cheered climbing onto their bed and bouncing up and down, Y/n sighed and let his head hit the pillow while remembering what was just stopped by this little ball of energy.

Y/n: Oh, no he didn't.

Y/n sighed referring to Alexis' playing just now when she called him Santa, Alexis giggled and tapped his chest before sitting up and wrapping her arms around the little girl, Y/n sat up and smiled watching them, although it sucks getting blue balled he does enjoying seeing the joy on his kids face.

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