Skye Blue: More Than Colleagues! (18+)

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*Requested By Yr111307!*

Warnings: Sex, Teasing!


... It's time for Rampage in Philadelphia, and Y/n L/n is coming home to his home land, Y/n was born into a Wrestling family he's a third generation wrestler, coming into AEW Fresh of a Gold Medal victory in the 2018, well, actually he joined the WWE but after a year of still nothing, only development, he got offered a contract with AEW and that's where he's been, for 4 years, an Olympian and the only AEW International Champion.

That's right, since it's creation back in 2022, Y/n won the belt in a Fatal 4-Way match at Forbidden Door on June 26th, since that day, 500 days ago, he's held that title making him not only the longest reigning Champion in AEW today but also giving him one of the longest title reigns in Modern Day wrestling, tonight is another title defense for him though but against a good friend of his, Kip Sabian.

Kip: Now Philadelphia is know as a sport city and I'm not sure if your aware but not only am I a highly intelligent, sex idol. I'm a sports guy to...

Y/n's in the back, just behind the curtain doing little warm ups and stretches as Kip continued to talk a little trash about his home town, it's okay because he knows it's all scripted and it's just to make him look bad and Y/n to look like a hero.

Skye: You look ready.

Y/n stopped what he was doing and looked to where the voice came from and he knew exactly who it was, he's been here for years and knows the voices of most his friends, a few he still gets mixed up but he's a smart guy and can tell the difference between most of them, he however didn't expect to see her already for her match-up tonight...

 It makes sense that she is because her match is just after his, she's fighting Anna Jay, Abadon and Willow Nightingale for the chance to face Hikaru Shida for the AEW Women's Championship, however the thing is, Y/n and Skye have been dating for a...

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... It makes sense that she is because her match is just after his, she's fighting Anna Jay, Abadon and Willow Nightingale for the chance to face Hikaru Shida for the AEW Women's Championship, however the thing is, Y/n and Skye have been dating for a few weeks now, ever since the now 26 Year old helped Skye with her in ring performance, Skye went to the Olympian seeking advice, Y/n was happy to give it to her.

Y/n: Ruh Roh

Skye giggled up to him as she just got her new make-up done, she's got a new angle in her story with the House of Black, Y/n's had his history with that group, Malaki doing everything in his ability to take the AEW International Championship from him but Y/n never let go of the belt and on this, the 500th day of his reign, it's not going to change.

Skye: As soon as we're done, can we go to the hotel and watch movies?

Y/n smiled and nodded as they did have plans to go get something to eat, Y/n wanted to show her around his home town but they can do that tomorrow, they did a little today but they only had so much time to do it before they needed to get to the arena for tonight's show, however, before they could talk anymore, Y/n que came when his music kicked in...

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