Becky Lynch: I'm Dating The Man! (18+)

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I'll be honest, I went a little twisted with the Smut in this one, a little BDSM won't hurt no one right... Well, you know what I mean... Don't judge me. It's also set in 2019, it will be the night of Wrestlemania 35! Oh and remember  when I asked if you wanted to see a Becky Lynch story based back then, well this is the teaser! Enjoy!


It's been a wild Night for the WWE already as Wrestlemania 35 is set to make history with the first ever Women's Main Event, it blow's Y/n's mind that they've never done that before but apparently it's now, Y/n is too a WWE Superstar only he's nursing a pretty bad concussion right now, it wasn't anyone's fault, well, it was probably Y/n's.

He was in a rivalry with Samoa Joe for the US title that was actually supposed to end tonight with him winning the title from Joe, only a few weeks ago, Y/n went for a springboard neck breaker but Joe did that thing where he walks out the way, Y/n then hit the mat hard and that's why he's sitting in his girlfriends locker room waiting for her to get ready.

Y/n: You know you only have a few minutes right?

Y/n's packing most of her stuff up while she's in the bathroom getting ready, applying the finishing touch's and what now, Y/n hate's the fact he's not able to wrestle now, he's trying to get back faster but it's not like a typical injury or anything, there's nothing he can do to make it heal any faster, all he can do is wait it out.

Becky: Calm down, lad. I'm good.

Y/n looked over his shoulder when he heard her voice, a lot of people think the Irish accent isn't all that nice but for some reason, she gives him little shivers when she talks, it's even better when she's dirty talking but that comes later, right now, Y/n's more entranced by her outfit for tonight... 

 Yes, that's right, a new face in the WWE is dating Becky Lynch, he's only been on the Main Roster for a few months now and pretty much since day one, they've been dating, they just seemed to click so Y/n asked her for a drink, she's Irish what do...

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... Yes, that's right, a new face in the WWE is dating Becky Lynch, he's only been on the Main Roster for a few months now and pretty much since day one, they've been dating, they just seemed to click so Y/n asked her for a drink, she's Irish what do you think she said to that.

Becky: Charlotte took forever in hair and make-up.

Y/n snapped out his thoughts and now started to worry, Ronda's dangerous, Y/n's seen her wrestle and sure she has potential to be great but let's be honest, she's only RAW Women's Champion right now because of her name and she can sell tickets, also the less said about Vince's scripting lately the better.

Y/n: Just uh, be careful out there. Ronda's dangerous and I don't want you benched as well.

Becky was next to finished so she turned to Y/n as he stood there, hand sin his jeans and actually looking worried about her, it was cute but he didn't need to worry, Becky walked over to him and kissed his cheek, wrapping her arms around his neck, Y/n's hands instinctively found her hips while she put his mind at ease.

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