Riott Squad: Let's Riot! (Final Part!)(18+)

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Let me know if you want to see this Trilogy into a actual book? Also in this, Ruby left the WWE before Covid, just a heads up. And remember to give thanks to SuperSaiyan4Life & MartinGraf98 for taking part in this short series! Enjoy!


It's been about a wild few months for Y/n and co, he Ruby and Sarah have started a sharing relationship, something Y/n never expected to ever be in but here he is, with two girlfriends, the only real down side is he's stuck in Orlando right now with his friend Liv Morgan.

It's not only been a wild few months for Y/n but also the Riott Squad and the world, Sarah and Ruby got fired from the WWE, Ruby signed with AEW while Sarah decided to take some time off, the fact she's pregnant might have something to do with it, it's been wild for the world because Covid-19 is here and the borders are shut, leaving Y/n with Liv.

Liv: What do you wanna do today?

Liv asked as she jumped onto Y/n's bed, their sharing a hotel room, two queen size beds, one for him and one for her, the WWE Thunder dome is a little bit down the road making her life a little easy, the only downside is they can't really go outside.

Y/n: Well, I was thinking of doing a short work-out. Taking a shower, then making some more music.

The band's scattered around America right now but that doesn't mean they can't still work, sure it's not all that easy, but Skype is a thing and make's it much easier then it would be if this was the 70's, plus they didn't have Netflix in the 70's.

Liv: Can I join you?

She asked while sitting next to him, her back against his head board with her legs stretched down the bed while glancing at him, Y/n's sat the same as she is only his legs reaching further then hers are.

Y/n: I'm not sure Ruby and Sarah would like that very much.

Y/n joked about him saying that he'd take a shower and her joining him, Liv took a second to realise what he said and eventually started giggling to him, while bumping her shoulder into his, Y/n smiled down to her, even after all this time of dating both girls, he still hasn't computed the fact that Liv wants to jump his bones as well.

Eventually though, they stopped laughing and got to work, they couldn't do much in terms of working out since their in the hotel but they helped each other as much as they can, like Liv sitting on his back, cross legged as Y/n did a few push-ups, Liv was impressed, she's just over 120 Ibs and Y/n pushed out around 25 of them.

Y/n though didn't let her join him in the shower, leaving Liv some time to herself, which she took to face time Ruby and Sarah, where they made a little small talk, Sarah hasn't got much to talk about since she is pretty much just sitting around and waiting for the baby to join them, Ruby how ever spoke about her time in AEW, that was until Y/n became the topic of conversation.

Ruby: ... So you screwed him yet?

Ruby asked out of the blue, no hesitation and she just ripped the bandage off, Liv blushed a little to the question as Sarah pipped up while also doing random things around the back yard, she loves the outdoors, so does Y/n, it's probably why he's been a little down recently, he hates being cooped up.

Sarah: She can't have. She's still walking and able to string words together.

Ruby and Sarah shared a laugh as they thought back to all the times they've had their alone times with Y/n, every time Sarah's had him, she's gone to Utopia and back, the only time Ruby hadn't was their first time but that's because it was rushed, the second time he made her legs shake.

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