Brie & Nikki Bella: Love of Twins! (Part - 2!) (18+)

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(You all wanted a Part - 2, so I'ma giving you a part - 2! Enjoy!)

(Smut Warning!)


It's been a long year for the Bella twins since that night and both have walked out with a pleasant memory from that night, Brie came out without a child, she thought she was pregnant but it turned out it was just a little food poisoning, Nikki on the other had did.

Nikki lost everything that night because her ex fiance did maths and realised he couldn't be the father, Nikki is now alone without a husband and two kids to fight for in her Arizona home, she tried to call Y/n and tell him that she was pregnant with his kid but they number he gave them didn't work.

That didn't stop her from trying to find him though and a year later she's still searching for her baby daddy.

Brian: Are you two still trying to find him?

Nikki took her kids to Brie's and Brian's, Brie's helping her find him not for anything other then just to let him know that he's a father now.

Nikki: He's out there somewhere. He has to be.

Nikki doesn't like the fact that her daughter doesn't know who her father is and the fact that Y/n's out there not knowing he's a father.

Brie: We'll find him, we just have a few hundred Y/n L/n's left in the country and how many of them could possibly be stripper's.

Brie was optimistic about finding him as she wouldn't mind another go on his joy stick, Nikki was slowly losing hope while holding her daughter on her lap as Matteo played with Birdie and Buddy in the next room.

Brian: I still can't believe you slept with the stripper at you're bachelorette party.

Brian chuckled to Nikki while taking a bottle of water out of the fridge, Nikki and Brie shared a smile as he doesn't know that Brie joined them that night and their secret relationship stayed as that, Brie really dodged a bullet when she found out she wasn't pregnant because that could have been difficult to explain to her husband.

Nikki: You weren't hand cuffed to him for an hour.

Nikki pointed out making both girls laugh and Brian smile walking out the kitchen, they continued to search and search but once again it came up nothing, Nikki didn't plan on spending the night here but they did, the Bella's moved out to LA after Brian signed with AEW, they loved it in California and moved out here.

Brie: Holy...

Brie got an idea and went onto the old stripper website she originally hired Y/n from and went to the dancer page, if she can't get a hold of Y/n then maybe she can find someone who knows where he is, Brie spent a few extra hours to help her sister find happiness when she got a clue...


Brie didn't tell Nikki or Brian where she was going today because she's on a mission to find the man who fathered her niece, she's in a doctor's office waiting to be seen, she found someone that told her he became a doctor after the stripper company went bust so here she is waiting.

Brie will be honest and say she dressed up a little for him today...

Brie will be honest and say she dressed up a little for him today

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