Peyton Royce: Found True Love in an Affair! {18+}

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*Requested By Superflash2255!*

Warnings: Slight BDSM, Anal, Creampie, Mommy Kink, Oral, Dirty Talk!


Peyton Royce isn't having the best time in terms of her career right now in the WWE, her and Jessica have just been broken up for no reason and now she's having a little bit of marriage problems, actually their not problems, she's having an affair, Peyton can't help it, she was married before she met this guy but when she did meet Y/n L/n, she fell head over heels in love with him, tonight Peyton has a job to do but she won't have for long since she's not going to re sign her WWE Contract, if she can't be with her best friend then she doesn't want to be here anymore.

Y/n: You ready to go?

Y/n's been in the WWE now for a couple of years, 2 actually and Peyton only knows that because pretty much right away they started having the affair, Y/n knows all about Peyton and her husband, honestly it breaks his heart since he loves her so much, Peyton loves him too but it's not that easy to just leave her husband, it takes time and patience, so when she was ready for one of her last matches in the WWE...

Y/n's been in the WWE now for a couple of years, 2 actually and Peyton only knows that because pretty much right away they started having the affair, Y/n knows all about Peyton and her husband, honestly it breaks his heart since he loves her so mu...

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... She walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck letting his hands find her hips, she's not sure what it is about him but he has something her husband doesn't have, maybe it's his eyes, nice deep {E/C}, she loves staring into them, maybe it's his {S/C}, something about it just makes her skin tingle, or maybe it's just that he's got a bigger cock than her husband, either way she loves Y/n.

Peyton: Come here ~

Y/n smiled when her right hand reached to the back of his head, her hand gripping gently into his hair and pulling him down into a kiss, Y/n kissed back without a second guess, he loved the feeling of her lips onto his, her hands on him, his hands on her, it felt good, it felt right and he knew he can give Peyton things that her husband couldn't, all she needs to do is leave him and Y/n can make her a queen like she deserves.

Peyton: We haven't got long. Can you give mommy a quick load baby ~

Peyton has grown to enjoy Y/n's little "Mommy Kink", it's odd because he's actually older than her, not by much, a year and a few months maybe but that didn't matter, with Peyton's desire to be a mother as well, she felt ashamed about enjoying it but he's not even related to Y/n so it's just a little playing right, Y/n didn't let her think too hard about it since he hoisted her up to hug him like a koala bear.

Y/n: I'll give you everything you want.

Peyton smiled with her hands on his face, Y/n moved them towards the wall to help keep her pinned, when she was, Peyton's lips argued with his while their tongues had a little fight, neither wanting to yield to the other so they resorted to cheap tricks, Y/n's right hand reaching down to cup her ass in his hand, she loves when he plays with her butt, especially when his left hand reached to grope at her chest, she did get implants but that was for herself, she wanted to boost her confidence, Y/n would have loved her either way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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