Eva Marie: Work On It!

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Eva Marie, a young women with the world at her feet, she has the potential to be one of the best in the WWE but she just can't seem to get it right, her character's off and her in ring performance is just not working, so the young 28 year old looked for a way to be better which apparently meant taking more lessons, she didn't really mind, she just wants to live her dream and win the Women's title.

Jonathan: You really wanna do this?

Eva looked to her fiance, Jonathon Coyle, it's 2013 and they have plans to get married next year, Eva nodded to him, he's been a great coach to her and what not, pushing to get her to the WWE in the first place but she just needs that something more.

Eva: I need to get better, this is the only way.

Eva's asked around for the extra help and in the end a lot of the women locker room suggested one name to her, Y/n L/n, she knew who Y/n is because he's one of the best in the WWE and owner of a top wrestling school in LA, Seth Rollins, Summer Rae and Zack Ryder are a few names to have become graduates of this school and the higher ups in the WWE endorse him, it's not an official WWE gym but Y/n still has a close relationship with the company he wrestled with for nearly 20 years.

Y/n: Right, let's get to work...

Eva and Jonathon looked to the door and saw Y/n walk into the gym, Eva can't lie and say he's much more handsome in person, his body looks hard and the slight grey patch on the sides of his head makes her bit her lip, older guys are pretty hot.

Y/n: ... So, Eva. What do you wanna work on.

Y/n rolled under the bottom rope in this gym and looked up to her getting to his feet pretty quickly, he clearly has something left in the tank for someone in their late 30's, Y/n stood there and looked her up and down...

Y/n rolled under the bottom rope in this gym and looked up to her getting to his feet pretty quickly, he clearly has something left in the tank for someone in their late 30's, Y/n stood there and looked her up and down

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... While leaning in the corner turnbuckle rubbing his taped hands, Eva actually didn't mind him looking because she was as well, the lose fitting shorts and tight fit vest shirt left little to her imagination.

Jonathon: She's having troubles performing the moves.

Eva looked down to outside the ring, she completely forget he was even there, Y/n just has this ability to grab your attention and intimidate a little, he's not a small guy and the way he just stands there pouring out emotional strength makes her admire this man, how has she not met him before.

Y/n: Who the fuck are you?

Eva looked from Jonathon to Y/n and Y/n didn't look impressed that he's here, he was told this was a closed private session, not a date.

Eva: He's my fiance, Jon.

Y/n looked to her then back to Jonathon, then back to her, then back to Jonathon before he stood out from the corner shaking his head, Y/n sighed and stepped towards the middle of the ring then looked to him.

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