Maryse: Not So Easy To Step Aside! (18+)

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It's been a wild few years for the young WWE Talent, Y/n L/n, he's pretty much on the fast track to being one of the best in the company, he's already a 2x WWE Champion and only 26 years old, he just beat Sheamus for his second title reign and now is in a on screen rivalry with one of his best friends, The Miz.

Y/n: So, The Miz won the Money in the Bank...

Y/n's in the middle of the ring with the WWE over his left shoulder, mic in his right hand, he just beat Sheamus last night on the PPV in a Steel Cage match, it's one of Y/n's favorite match types to do and the crowd seem to love them so it's a win, they however weren't sure how to feel about The Miz being the Briefcase holder.

Y/n: ... It's no secret that he's one of my best friends in this place but the thing is...

Y/n stopped talking when the crowd starting chanting there chant for him, Y/n's the ultimate face right now and this is a title reign that will be his personal longest, it's going to stretch from July all the way to November where the Nexus will kick his ass and The Miz while take the bait.

Y/n: ... The thing is friendships don't matter when it comes to the WWE Title. I promised all of you I would whoop the Irishman's ass and I did that, so I'm making another promise, Mike...

Y/n looked into the hard camera as he used The Miz's real name making the crowd focus, this is showing how personal the soon to be rivalry is for the two of them, their actually quite excited for it, they haven't worked together much since their time in ECW.

Y/n: ... I swear to you that I will...

Y/n stopped when he was interrupted by a new set of music, this is a group he's never actually had to deal with before, they've crossed path's but that's about it...

... Y/n turned from the hard cam and to the entrance ramp where Wade and the rest of the Nexus came out *Don't judge me, I can't remember half of them*, all of them stood there across the stage trying to intimidate the new WWE Champion.

Wade: It's real cute you coming out here to talk about your little friend Y/n but let's face facts. You got lucky last night against Sheamus.

Wade's words were met with a few boo's echoing around as Y/n looked around the crowd with a smile, it's his character, everyone thinks he's lucky because of his age and how many titles he already has in the WWE, it's okay though because Y/n don't care.

Y/n: That's tough talk coming from a hand-me-down Randy Orton.

Y/n still held the WWE title over his left shoulder with his mic in right hand, just looking up to the ramp with no fear as they clearly didn't like his comments too much, the crowd did though as they started another chant calling Wade a knock off Viper, Y/n chuckled with them as even Jerry Lawler and Micheal Cole liked that one.

Wade: You listen to me now...

Wade spoke over the crowd but it was Y/n that cut him off, it was all part of the script so Wade listened but the crowd loved seeing a new more forceful version of Y/n, his character was a bit of a push over in the past, now he's evolved, the fight with Sheamus in the cage is supposed to have been a war that brought a new him out.

Y/n: No you listen. Every single week you come out and talk your trash, well, I'm not listening to it!

Y/n leant on the top of the rope shrugging the WWE title back over his shoulder while he did, the Nexus watching him like wolves scouting out there prey, as always, it's just part of the plan.

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